DS has a diagnosis (PDD-NOS).
I am broken. I will get over the shock and figure out how to navigate IEPs and insurance covered therapies, but right now I am reeling.
((Hugs)) make sure you let yourself go through the grieving process. I know 8 months after diagnosis I am still going through it to some extent. My son had PDD-NOS as well. We are here for any questions you have!
DS1: 4/15/2011
Dx: ASD, SPD and receptive and expressive speech delay at 21 months
It will get better. We're more than 2 years post-diagnosis. I'm in a much better place now than I was initially, that is for sure (though admittedly, there have been some big ups and downs in the meantime). Some days are fantastic, and others, I feel my grief strongly. I suspect it may always be like this- but it is bearable. It helped me a lot to be on this board with other moms who "get it".
I hear you. We got a pdd-nos dx about 2 years ago - I even saw it coming a mile away and was still floored it actually happened. Not a great day. It took me a solid year to get to acceptance.
My DS has PDD-NOS a year ago but we updated to autism spectrum disorder recently.
We really are a great board with great support and advice! We are in this together and we will be here when you need us.
Hang in there.