Hello! I am excited to be a part of this group again. So here is my story, I have pcos and tried to get pregnant for three years with my first husband and we were unsuccessful, as was our marriage. After the divorce I met a wonderful man who is now my loving husband. We weren't together long before I got a BFP! Now that baby is THREE years old and hardly a baby anymore. When she was two we were thrilled to find out we were expecting baby #2. Sadly, at 13 weeks we lost the baby due to abnormally low progesterone levels.It has been a little over a year since our loss and we are ready to start the journey again. I realize there is a ttcal board but feel as though this is where I want and need to be. I'm excited, positive, and I can't wait to see what 2014 brings!
Re: Intro
DS: 10-9-14
MC: 9-4-16
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014