June 2014 Moms

It is no longer a Secret! Have you announced?

So as of today everyone knows! I did want to wait longer to announce but I just couldn't hide it anymore. i made it to 8 weeks, that's long enough!!

Have any of you lovely ladies told the world yet?
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Re: It is no longer a Secret! Have you announced?

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    We have... Well pretty much everyone but my boss.
    I am only 5 weeks 4 days! But couldn't wait to tell anyone :)
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    Nope. Almost let it slip a few times by accident but we have only told immediate family. 

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    We haven't told a soul IRL and it's KILLING me.

    DH wants to wait until after my appointment today, so I'm hoping to at least be able to tell my parents over the weekend.
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    I swear if i let him, my BF would have told the world the day we found out. Every day he would ask me if we could tell people... today was the day i said yes lol
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    Everyone knows.  Everyone.  Family, work, friends, FB...all of the people know.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

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    We have only told immediate family and a few really close friends.  We plan to announce on Thanksgiving. 
    Brenda & Phillip married 10/10/09 

    After 6 years of failed cycles, we were blessed with our little man through adoption. 
    B born 1/3/2012. Adoption finalized 12/27/12

    Back  on the IF crazy train...
    Sept 2013 - IVF #1 -  BFP, EDD 6/4/14, born 6/8/14
    Everyone welcome


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    Nope - only my husband knows. I want to wait until after my first appointment on 11/22 but it's starting to feel months away. Not telling anyone has really made me feel like it's all not really happening.
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    I'd be curious to know of those of you that have answered, or will answer... How many weeks are you?  Have you had an u/s? 

    We have just immediate family knowing, I am currently 9 weeks and just had my first ultrasound yesterday.  Little baby was wiggling for us and everything.  Strong heartbeat too!  I really want to tell the world, I guess I am just nervous!
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    I swear if i let him, my BF would have told the world the day we found out. Every day he would ask me if we could tell people... today was the day i said yes lol
    My DH is the same way. Every freaking day he asks. But he has to wait until Christmas. Or at least until after my first appointment. Then I might let him tell his parents only. We'll see though!

    Baby 1 - 10/2010 | Baby 2 - 8/2012 | Baby 3 - 6/2014 | Baby 4 - EDD 8/2016 - MC 12-27-2015 | Baby 5 - : 9/2016

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    SarahS11 said:
    I'd be curious to know of those of you that have answered, or will answer... How many weeks are you?  Have you had an u/s? 

    We have just immediate family knowing, I am currently 9 weeks and just had my first ultrasound yesterday.  Little baby was wiggling for us and everything.  Strong heartbeat too!  I really want to tell the world, I guess I am just nervous!
    Wow, okay... pregnancy brain.. I just looked through all of your tickers and it answered the how far along question!  I am still curious as to if you have had appts that went well and everything!
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    Only hubby and I know for now. We are telling my mom and a couple close friends after my appointment on Monday, but waiting until Thanksgiving to share with everyone else.

    The waiting is KILLING me, but I am so fearful after watching a friend tell the world with a Facebook announcement and then MC days later.

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    Were announcing tonight :) were 9weeks (as of tomorrow) and we see most of our family today so it made sense :)
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    flerlgirl said:
    I swear if i let him, my BF would have told the world the day we found out. Every day he would ask me if we could tell people... today was the day i said yes lol
    My DH is the same way. Every freaking day he asks. But he has to wait until Christmas. Or at least until after my first appointment. Then I might let him tell his parents only. We'll see though!
    @narwhalicorns your sn and siggy kill me. All I can think of is "Byyyyye, Buddy. I hope you find your dad!" from Elf

    Ha! Thanks! I love Elf so much!

    Somehow I invaded your quote. Whoops!

    Baby 1 - 10/2010 | Baby 2 - 8/2012 | Baby 3 - 6/2014 | Baby 4 - EDD 8/2016 - MC 12-27-2015 | Baby 5 - : 9/2016

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    SarahS11 said:
    I'd be curious to know of those of you that have answered, or will answer... How many weeks are you?  Have you had an u/s? 

    We have just immediate family knowing, I am currently 9 weeks and just had my first ultrasound yesterday.  Little baby was wiggling for us and everything.  Strong heartbeat too!  I really want to tell the world, I guess I am just nervous!
    I've had 2 ultrasounds (lots of spotting, turned out to be a Subchorionic Hemorrhage :/) and my first appt was today. We were always going to wait until at least our first appt (we wanted to make it til Christmas, but my bloat is starting to give me away).
    Vote on my Baby Names here!
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    Surprise! Baby #2!
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    flerlgirl said:
    I swear if i let him, my BF would have told the world the day we found out. Every day he would ask me if we could tell people... today was the day i said yes lol
    My DH is the same way. Every freaking day he asks. But he has to wait until Christmas. Or at least until after my first appointment. Then I might let him tell his parents only. We'll see though!
    @narwhalicorns your sn and siggy kill me. All I can think of is "Byyyyye, Buddy. I hope you find your dad!" from Elf
    "Buddy the elf! What's your favourite colour?"
    Vote on my Baby Names here!
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    Surprise! Baby #2!
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    I waited until my first apt to tell. I was 7w5d and the u/s looked great so I told a lot of people. I still have a few to tell but it's pretty much out there.
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    Several people know but it's not fully out there! I'm 9 weeks and had an ultrasound yesterday! The baby is growing perfectly and has a strong heartbeat of 166.

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    We haven't told anybody yet.  We're waiting until Thanksgiving to tell our parents and families.  I'm a little superstitious so I want to wait until after 1st tri. 

    I saw my mom last weekend and it was sooooooo hard not telling her!  And I swear she was looking at my stomach.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    We've told our parents and a few close friends.  I also had to tell my boss because I've been having a few rough days lately.

    June 2014 - June Siggy Challenge - Favorite Hottie
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    We have told our families and several close friends. I want to wait another month or so to announce to work and FB, though. I am 8 weeks. Had my first appt 2 weeks ago.
    Oakley approves of the snoogle

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    We have told! We are still waiting to see some friends in person (will see most of them at a Halloween party Saturday night). But we announced to our co workers yesterday and everyone we have had the chance to talk to since our 9 week ultrasound on Tuesday. It's so much fun to share the news!!!!
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    Work, a few close friends (3) and both mine and DH parents ( only told work since I work in a hospital to avoid having chemo/shingles pts)

    Plan is after the nuchal to tell Facebook

    I had a dating sono which changed my EDD June 8th 2014, I was 7 wks 1day at the sono and saw little bean with a HR of 134bpm

    #1 DD June 2009
    #2 DS July 2011
    #3 DD June
    CP December 2015
    M/C 8/2016
    Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18


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    supgabssupgabs member
    edited October 2013

    I had an awesome U/S on Monday and made my FB announcement Wednesday so yep, everyone knows! Fingers crossed I wont to have to un-tell


    ETA: we're ~due date sisters~

    Lilypie - (4j0O)

    Follow us at Caring Bridge 

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    We have told the odd close friend, and my boss, but we haven't told our immediate family as we're waiting to see them in person. I'm 8w5d and waiting also until NT u/s Nov 28

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    We have told everyone! We waited until after our first dr apt/ultrasound. This is our first and we are SO excited. No way we could hold that in for too long.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Emery Elizabeth
    Due Date: June 5, 2014

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    We have told close friends and some family.   All people we would tell if we had a miscarriage.  We have an u/s next Tuesday, so we're hopeful to see a heartbeat then.  I can't imagine telling the world (facebook) until at least Christmas.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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    I've only told close friends not family yet feeling nervous x
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    My family knows I told my co workers today with donuts
    That's super cute!!

    Our family and close friends/coworkers/bosses know. Soo pretty much everyone but FB and work? lol.

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    We've told our families, a few close friends, both of our work places, and our neighbors for some reason (husband told at their Halloween party...guess he's excited).  Tomorrow is my 8 week appointment and, if all goes well, we will announce to the rest of the world probably this next week.
    Me- 29, DH - 28
    BFP #1 9/27/2013, EDD 6/10/2014, Mmc 11/01/2013, completed with misoprostol 11/8/2013
    BFP #2 2/5/2014, EDD 10/15/2014, Lillian Verletta born 10/23/14
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    PAL January Siggy Challenge: Good Advice
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    We told my parents and my in-laws last night. They both live 2000+ miles away, so we Skyped each of them. We showed them my son in his Halloween costume, then we said we had bought an alternative costume "just in case it's too hot to wear the fleece one". My DH took him out of view and changed him into his shirt that said "ONLY CHILD - Expiring June 2014" and his name. We will wait until 12 weeks to tell everyone else (as long as my MIL doesn't spill the beans!)

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    No not yet. We will have our first u/s on the 12th and if everything goes well we plan on telling as soon as we leave
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    Family and close friends know. We are waiting til next appt to hear the heartbeat (I'll be 12 weeks) to tell everyone else.
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    We told everyone last night. Had an u/s yesterday. 
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    We're out as of today. My bf commented on one of my fb pics hinting at it, and it must have showed up on a lot of newsfeeds cuz we both got fb messages asking about it almost immediately. So we decided to go ahead and make it fb official.
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    We decided to tell a few close friends and family, so we will tell my parents/grandparents on Sunday in person and 2-3 friends. Trying to go slow though.
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    Ive told my parents and hubby has told his but the rest of my family im waiting till thanksgiving ill be at the end of my first trimester...and social media wise im iffy...waiting till i feel comfertable...but at least on thanksgiving my entire family will be together :)
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    YetterEAYetterEA member
    edited November 2013
    We told parents, siblings, and our 2 very closest friends immediately after our BFP. We had our first u/s (which was amazing) yesterday, so this weekend we're telling grandparents and aunts/uncles. Everyone else can wait until after 1st tri (right around Christmas.. We're thinking of doing a cheesy Christmas card announcement).
    I'm doing cheesy Xmas card announcement. Going to send out a card a with picture of DD wearing a t-shirt that says "Only Child Club, Member Since 2009. Membership Expires 6/2014" there are tons of those type of t-shirts out there. Cheesy for sure, but cute.

    Feb siggy challenge- SO is a twatwaffle, so here is me & DD instead


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