Hi Bumpies!My name is Tara and I am currently 36 weeks pregnant. My pregnancy so far has been a blessing, not too painful. On November 6th I have to go to my OB to have a pelvic exam to see whether or not I am going to have to have a C-section or not. My OB has already said it is a high possibility where I have narrow pelvic bones. Here is where the scared shitless part happens..this is my first pregnancy. I am worried about being numbed as to I am afraid that I will panic. On the flip-side I am also scared of being put under completely for fear of not waking up. Anyone want too share there c-section stories with me? anyone else have these fears? Are they even Logical fears? Please help!
Scared Mommy to be
My husband was deployed during that time and thank goodness my mom made it in time to be with me. That was the only other thing that had me nervous that I would be alone.
Congratulations on baby!!
I felt the same way when pregnant. With a high risk pregnancy I had been warned it was a possibility, though they promised as a last resort. Well I was so worried about it. In hindsight I would tell you to try your best to not think about it too much! When the time comes you will likely just be happy to get the baby out no matter what they want to do!
I ended up on bedrest for 4 weeks, with contractions every 3min 24/7 while resting. My baby came 5 weeks early, after 24 hours of even worse contractions. None of the drugs (and 4 epidurals) worked for me. I had originally wanted drug free or as little drugs as possible. It worried me so much, the thought of using the drugs. Then I got to the hospital and well, I could care less anymore! After 2 hrs of pushing they determined that she was stuck with her head sideways. They needed to do a C-section. By that point in time I could care less anymore! The C-section drugs also didn't work so last minute I had to get put under...even then I didn't care...I did have to insist they bring my poor husband in to tell him I had to be put under and that he wouldn't be able to stay with me. They had him down the hall scrubbing up to come in with me and didn't even plan to tell him what was going on.
Anyways, point being that everything I had worried about, in the end didn't worry me because in the moment you want to do what is needed to get your baby out.
As hard as it is to not worry...just know that what ever happens, happens whether you worry or not and in the moment you will just go with it!!
The C-section scar was gross at first...just not what I thought it would be since it had staples. But shortly after you again just don't care and get used to it. Now it's a thin white line...I wear a bikini to weekly swim lessons and it isn't seen at all.
Hi! I had my first baby in July and had a c-section due to preclamsyia and not being able to go on my own. I had a good experience. I wasn't put out all the way-was numb from my belly button down. I had an epi because I was trying to have a vaginal birth and they just kept that in. It didn't take long and my recovery was pretty easy. I didn't take too many of my pain killers and as long as I put pressure on the incision when getting up and down for about a week then I wasn't in much pain. They had me up walking the next day and I got up quite a bit. I was on bedrest prior and couldn't even sit up for 2 days in the hospital prior to DD being here bc my blood pressure was so high so I was determined.
Hang in there and yes it can be scary but so can a vaginal birth.
Good luck with everything!
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!