Ok - so I am currently 7 weeks pregnant, and I started taking Zofran 1-2 times/day about a week ago. I dont really NEED the Zofran, but it works wonders for my food aversions and queasiness. I think I just get nauseous from having an empty stomach, I can get something to eat and feel overall fine again.
I have never had issues with bowel movements, until now! I haven't had a BM for about a week now. I'm used to taking (rather large - sorry, TMI) at least one BM a day.
So I drank 3/4 of a bottle of mag citrate earlier this afternoon, and NOTHING! I am a nurse, and I have bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants, so I know it's no an obstruction. I'm just paranoid and need advice.
What helps constipation? And I will add - any other time I've ever taken mag citrate I have a BM within 3-4 hours. This is never happened.
Re: Zofran and Constipation - HELP!
For the constipation I would try pear juice and prune juice, movicol and coloxyl and senna (if you are feeling brace we give this cocktail to patients at work and it clears them out)
I take a tbsp of milk of mag now and generally poop within 4-6 hours.
~First Time Mommy to Be~
TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF. Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!