1st Trimester

Zofran and Constipation - HELP!

Ok - so I am currently 7 weeks pregnant, and I started taking Zofran 1-2 times/day about a week ago. I dont really NEED the Zofran, but it works wonders for my food aversions and queasiness. I think I just get nauseous from having an empty stomach, I can get something to eat and feel overall fine again. 

I have never had issues with bowel movements, until now! I haven't had a BM for about a week now. I'm used to taking (rather large - sorry, TMI) at least one BM a day. 

So I drank 3/4 of a bottle of mag citrate earlier this afternoon, and NOTHING! I am a nurse, and I have bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants, so I know it's no an obstruction. I'm just paranoid and need advice. 

What helps constipation? And I will add - any other time I've ever taken mag citrate I have a BM within 3-4 hours. This is never happened.

Re: Zofran and Constipation - HELP!

  • I'd try something other then Zofran. I had it prescribed for hyper emesis and the doctor at the hospital basically said only take it of absolutely necessary. Have you tried maxalon?

    For the constipation I would try pear juice and prune juice, movicol and coloxyl and senna (if you are feeling brace we give this cocktail to patients at work and it clears them out)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I had the same problem at about that point in my pregnancy. Now when I take my Zofran i make sure i take a stool softener at the same time. Along with that try to get some fiber in your diet at least once a day. A good fiber cereal should work. (Raisin Bran Crunch worked for me). LOTS of fruits and veggies. Now I'm on a better BM schedule. Hope that helps!! Good luck sweety.
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  • I'm also taking Zofran and cannot poop. It's to the point that I had severe cramps. I resorted to Milk of Mag and I literally shit my pants. Only because I was so desperate to poop that I took the high dosage and then puked that up, so I took more.

    I take a tbsp of milk of mag now and generally poop within 4-6 hours.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I'm on zofran as well. In addition to eat a plum a day, my doctor told me to use a stool softener. It really does help. I won't put you through details but I swear by them at this stage.
  • I couldn't function some days without my Zofran.  It was prescribed that I take it every 6 hours.  I don't take it anywhere near that often!  I take it when I absolutely need it to get rid of my rolling stomach so I basically take it every other morning or so right now.  It hasn't caused me any issues with BM.... BUT I do know that if the constipation gets too bad your doctor can prescribe you colace.  Its not a laxative only a stool softener.  Good luck ladies!

    ~First Time Mommy to Be~



    BabyFruit TickerIAmPregnant Ticker
  • You sound like me! I am nurse as well and after starting Zofran (which is a must if I am to keep anything down) I got constipated and didnt go in 8 days! I too thought obstruction, LOL, but I soon convinced myself otherwise. I tried Colace (which you can get over the counter) and it did nothing. Then my hubby bought some metamucil pills, but you have to take like 20 a day to do any good! I ended up getting Phillips non-stimulant laxative pills and after taking 2 nights in a row, I finally went. It took 2 more days before I felt I finally "emptied"! It sucks. Nothing is worse than feeling super bloated on top on the nausea, fatigue, and other junk we feel right now!
  • I had colace, ate a lot of Fiber One bars, and drank Odwalla juices when I was on Zofran, but it was still very painful when I went. I didn't real feel Zofran worked so I took Unisom/B6 instead and RELIEF!! I would at least try to give it a break for a bit. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so worried about getting constipated that I am eating kale/spinach salad at lunch with lots of greens and other veggies. I am currently 11 weeks and hoping these greens wil help me out. I am normally a "regular" person but I am going about every other day and it's not so bad. I am even debating adding a spinach smoothie with protein for breakfast! But right now that sounds nasty to me!!

    TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF.  Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
    June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
    August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
    September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!

  • I would try to cut back on the Zofran.  You said you don't really need it so why take it if it's making you so miserable?  If you're not vomiting and keeping liquids down, you really don't need it.  I understand you're a nurse and on your feet and need to feel 'good' but being nauseous is normal and will pass eventually.  
    I do understand your pain, though.  I had to take Zofran for a short while during both pregnancies as I couldn't keep food or liquids down.  I didn't deal with the constipation with DD1 but when I took it this time, it was horrible.  I had to get off it as soon as I could.  But while I was taking it, I started taking it with a Colace.  Try fiber bars, a cup of coffee if you can stomach it, lots of fruits and veggies, fruit juice, lots of water......
    ~Married my best friend 06/27/2010~ ~Miscarriage July 2010~ ~Hannah Leigh born 07/26/2011 (5 weeks early) @ 8:38am 4lbs 15oz~
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