So I have a good friend who is due a few weeks before me (very soon!!!) We are both team green. However, as part of her religious beliefs, she plans to use the first letter of a family member who has passed away when naming her LO. My DH and I have decided on a boys name and I am 99.9% sure it begins with the same letter that she may have to be using.
So, my question I ask her if she IS using that letter? I do not want to ask her about her name choices...but I also have this insane fear that we may both have the same boy name option. My DH thinks I'm crazy, so I thought I would reach out to you all for some advice on how to approach the situation. :-) Do I just suck it up and wait for her to have her baby?? It just took DH and I forever to agree on a boys name, so I'd hate to start back at square one if by some weird chance we have the same name...haha.....
What do you ladies think???? Am I being crazy???? :-/
Re: advice please
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Exactly. There's no point in making a big thing out of it when one or both of you might not even be having a boy. Also...what exactly is the plan if you find out she's using "your" name? I assume you wouldn't try to pressure her into another name (because that would be a total dick move), so I guess I don't see what finding out any sooner accomplishes. If she uses it, you still have to decide if you're sticking with the name or finding something else.
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14