High-Risk Pregnancy

Chromosome Translocation

Do any of you ladies have one or know someone who does? I do and after 2 healthy pregnancies I found out through Amnio that baby #3 is unbalanced and may not survive. I'm just looking for support or someone who has had or is having a similar experience. I am 18 weeks and just scared of what to expect.

Re: Chromosome Translocation

  • I know this was posted some time ago but I thought I would respond anyway. I have a balanced translocation of chromosomes 14 and 22. I've had two consecutive miscarriages at 6 weeks but am currently 13 weeks pregnant and everything looks great so far. However, my doctor recommended having an amnio as I am still at increased risk of having a baby with an unbalanced translocation. My amnio is scheduled in 3 weeks and I'm terrified. I know I didn't help you regarding your results but you aren't alone. I wish you the best of luck. I know you are freaking out right now and I wish there was something comforting to say but I know I've heard it all from friends/family and it doesn't make me feel better. Is your baby's condition something he or she can survive?
    Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • My translocation is with chromosomes 11 & 16. I have 2 healthy boys, ages 5 and 3. I had amnios with all of my pregnancies that went far enough to do so and it really isn't that bad. It's over very quickly. Unfortunately my last pregnancy did not end well. Our daughter basically had half a heart due to a condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which was caused by the unbalanced translocation. And after seeing multiple specialists it was determined that she would not be able to survive outside of my body and that was IF she even made it to birth. So we decided to end the pregnancy and say goodbye to her in November. It was the hardest most horrible thing I've ever had to go through. But being unbalanced isn't always a death sentence. It all depends on the involved chromosomes and how big the breaks are. I found an amazing facebook group just for women affected by translocation and the ladies there are amazing!! I highly recommend you check it out. I wish you the very best with your pregnancy! I hope your little one keeps growing healthy and strong.
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