April 2014 Moms

Mexican Cheese Dip?!

Do any of you eat the cheese dip at the mexican resturants? I crave it all the time and I know they say to avoid it but I make sure they heat it really well.

Re: Mexican Cheese Dip?!

  • I've been eating it. My Dr is really laid back and didn't give me any foods to avoid just said use common sense and moderation. I'm not sure what I do to that cheese dip counts as moderation but I've only eaten it a few times. 
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  • Why do you have to avoid queso? Is it just because of the calorie count?  I'm a Texas girl, and eat Tex-Mex at least 3 times per week. I hope there's nothing wrong with it! Legit queso starts with a white sauce: butter, flour, milk. Then they fold in a few cheeses, usually cheddar and queso blanco. --- Is any of that stuff off limits? eeeeek!!!! I know some people make "cheese dip" with Velveeta (processed fake cheese) but I haven't seen that at many restaurants. 
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  • Why do you have to avoid queso? Is it just because of the calorie count?  I'm a Texas girl, and eat Tex-Mex at least 3 times per week. I hope there's nothing wrong with it! Legit queso starts with a white sauce: butter, flour, milk. Then they fold in a few cheeses, usually cheddar and queso blanco. --- Is any of that stuff off limits? eeeeek!!!! I know some people make "cheese dip" with Velveeta (processed fake cheese) but I haven't seen that at many restaurants. 
    I think it's because it's potentially unpasteurized. 
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  • I second the above... What's wrong w/queso dip? I have a jar of the Tostitos kind in my fridge to eat w/my soft pretzels, and if it was served to me at a restaurant you bet your bottom dollar I'll be asking for an extra basket of chips. If it's hot, there's no reason why you can't eat it.

    (Also, fyi, lunch meat if heated to steaming hot (then recooled if you wish) is also ok. So that means toasted subs at subway or quiznos are perfectly acceptable. ywia)
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  • Queso dip is totally fine. The Mexican cheese that is supposed to be avoided is unpasteurized queso fresco, which is similar to feta and not commonly sold outside of very authentic Mexican restaurants and groceries.
  • Eat your damn queso. 

    This one makes me roll my eyes so hard... not at you, OP, but at the fact that a HEATED dip that might contain queso fresco - but probably doesn't unless you're eating somewhere authentic in a border state - graces some doctors' "no-no" lists. 
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
  • That is ridiculous. I wouldn't guzzle it by the gallon in TJ or anything but most "Mexican" restaurants in the US make the stuff with white American cheese, diced chiles, jalapeno juice, milk and cumin (I make it at home literally once/week because I am nasty like that). Eat away and enjoy it. I typically get the bean/queso dip so I can lie and tell myself that it is healthy since I added the fiber and protein in the beans.

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  • I'm pretty sure that anything you get in a restaurant has to be pasteurized anyway (or at least has to have a warning on the menu if it isn't).   I can't imagine you'd get unpasteurized cheese anywhere except maybe in the aforementioned border-state really authentic place.

    And even then, it's HEATED.  Heating cheese until steaming will kill whatever might be in it anyway.  

    Eat the queso.  I totally would if I lived in a country where people could even pronounce the word "queso."
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  • I eat queso 3x a week also.. Texas girls like our queso...don't mess with it!!
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  • snmetz7 said:
    Texas girls like our queso...don't mess with it!!
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
  • MMM. Maybe I'll make some tonight....

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  • I eat it a few times a week. One of my pregnant obsessions!!
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  • I haven't tried it yet, but in the pasta/Velveda cheese section of the grocery store they have a white cheese Velveda and a recipe for a white cheese dip on the box.

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  • Hey Texas girls...how about you share a recipe or two for some queso. Not the velveeta box recipe please! The REAL deal :)
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  • Agreed, I was just saying you can make it yourself :)

    (Don't be too hard on velveeta :) I love me some cheese dip)

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  • Not from TX but I have a sickness for cheese and this is the recipe I use. It is money. Thanks Pinterest :)
    • 1 1/4 (1.25) lb block White American Cheese, cut into 1-inch cubes
    • 1/4 cup diced green chiles, from a can
    • 2 pickled jalapenos, chopped
    • 1 ounce pickled jalapeno juice
    • 2/3 cup whole milk
    • 1/2 cup cold water
    • pinch of cumin (optional)

    Toss all ingredients into a large microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 5 minutes, stopping to stir after every minute. The mixture might seem watery during the first few stirs, but should come together as a nice runny dip after all the cheese is melted.

    Serve immediately as a dip with tortilla chips or as a sauce over your favorite Mexican dish.

    *Recipe Note: White American cheese is found at most deli counters in your local grocery store.

    *Reheat Instructions: Store any leftover cheese dip in the fridge. Reheat in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until creamy and hot.

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  • sandylou said:

    Hey Texas girls...how about you share a recipe or two for some queso. Not the velveeta box recipe please! The REAL deal :)

    Honestly, I just go to one of the zillion amazing Mexican joints here in town if I want some! If you're Googling recipes, look for those that use queso asadero (or queso fresco) with a bit of crema mexicana. Depending on where you are, you might not be able to find these though... I can get crema mexicana at some local grocery stores, but sometimes have to go to a La Michoacana / specialty store to find the asadero when I make enchiladas.
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
  • Ok I just had to share this  :D 

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  • This is why I miss living in the States sometimes.  Good queso in Canada is like finding the holy grail.  Impossible!  And all the quesos I've tried to make have just not been all that good.
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