
Failed hearing screening *update*

edited November 2013 in Preemies
My little man got a "refer" on his hearing test for his left ear today. Typically, they would do another test but since he has skin tags on that ear he most likely has a real heating problem and we have been advised t just make an appoinent with a specialist.

I am feeling so discouraged right now. I know it isn't the end of the world, but I just want him to be happy and healthy. Now we are probably looking at hearing aids or surgery and I am just really sad.

UPDATE: DS just had his follow up screening and passed!! Thank you all for the support and good sense!

Re: Failed hearing screening *update*

  • My son didn't pass in the NICU either but passed the test at the audiologist.  Don't want to give you false hope but I hear it happens a lot for preemies. I will hold out hope that you do not need surgeries! Can the skin tags be removed?

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

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  • My son didn't pass in the NICU either but passed the test at the audiologist.  Don't want to give you false hope but I hear it happens a lot for preemies. I will hold out hope that you do not need surgeries! Can the skin tags be removed?
    All of this!

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  • Sorry for the bad news. I hope everything turns out OK.
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  • My son didn't pass in the NICU either but passed the test at the audiologist.  Don't want to give you false hope but I hear it happens a lot for preemies. I will hold out hope that you do not need surgeries! Can the skin tags be removed?

    The tags can be removed probably around one year of age. The issue with the tags is when babies have ear tags or pits they are more likely to have permenant hearing loss. I guess we'll just see what the next round of testing finds. Thank you for the support!!
  • McHotts said:
    My son didn't pass in the NICU either but passed the test at the audiologist.  Don't want to give you false hope but I hear it happens a lot for preemies. I will hold out hope that you do not need surgeries! Can the skin tags be removed?
    The tags can be removed probably around one year of age. The issue with the tags is when babies have ear tags or pits they are more likely to have permenant hearing loss. I guess we'll just see what the next round of testing finds. Thank you for the support!!
    I'll keep holding out hope that they aren't a sign of loss for you... when do you go for more testing? As hard as it is to wait I would try to wait a few months. They told us to wait because a false referral was more likely the younger they were and they will only try so many times. 

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

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    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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  • Sorry you have to play this waiting game! Anna recently failed an OAE and we found out a week later on CT scan that she does have fluid in that ear so I hope that's the cause. We follow up in a month but the waiting stinks. 

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  • My son didn't pass on his left ear in the NICU.  Took the test a month later and passed with flying colors.  I'm sorry you're having to deal with this on top of everything else.  Hang in there!  Good luck!
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  • I never passed my hearing tests and ended up having surgery at the age of 20 to fix it. I also had tubes in my ears when I was 2 and my parents said it was NBD and I did fine with it. My little girl refered twice on the right side so she may have the same problem I had. Hang in there momma it will get better! Like other posters said they can be wrong and an audiologist will have better equipment and give a more thorough exam.

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  • I'm so very sorry that you are sad and discouraged.  I'll say a little prayer for your LO that he just needs an additional test and will be ok.  

    Beckett Rilee & Caitlyn Leigh born 9-21-13 @ 27w due to PPROM

  • My son failed his hearing test at the hospital when he was born and we had to go to a rehab place about 2 weeks later to recheck it and he passed. His pedi said it was likely due to him being early or fluid still in his ears. Best of luck!
  • My DD failed hers in one ear but passed when we took her to get retested.

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