I'm 36 and 4 today. Full term on Thursday! Woohoo! I'm trying not to get too excited that my due date is 3.5 weeks away because I really feel that this boy is coming late. I have not had any contractions - haven't even felt any BH. I have a midwife appointment on Thursday; will have my GBS test then. My OB-midwife practice does not conduct cervical checks unless you request it or you reach 41.5 weeks. I'm fine without knowing - I feel like it would mess with my head. You could be dilated for weeks or not dilated at all and give birth later that day. So, I'm okay with being in the dark for now.
I received some disappointing news last week - my insurance declined the waiver my office submitted to cover the birthing center. The birthing center just opened in September and they don't have all the contracts with the insurance carriers in place yet. They are submitting an appeal, but I was told they haven't had much success with filing appeals. Sigh. So, that means I will most likely deliver at a hospital. Sigh. Not the end of the world, I know, but very different than what I had in mind. My doula told me that she is very comfortable staying at home until contractions get to about 3 minutes apart - and we're only 10 minutes away from the hospital. I'm trying to figure out where I can rent a birthing pool for the house, but haven't had much luck yet.
In other news, I'm only sleeping well about half the time. Last night was not good, so I'm extremely tired today. It's going to be a rough day.
Hope everyone is doing well!
ETA: Forgot to answer the QOTD! No plans for Halloween, other than I have a cute shirt to wear. Not many kids live in our condo community, and I don't think we've every had a trick or treater in the five years we have lived here. We don't even buy candy just in case. I don't get into Halloween, but I'm sure that will change once we have kiddos!
Feeling mega sick. Yesterday was rough, and then last night I was woken up by nausea several times. When I got out of bed this morning, I knew within a minute that I was going to be sick this morning. It was bad. I have since managed to eat some oatmeal and I am really hoping that the worst is over for this morning. I also felt the most exhausted that I ever have (ever in my life, I think) yesterday afternoon. I had gone out shopping to try to buy some new work clothes (after an hour in one store and trying on 30 pieces of clothing, only to buy one pair of pants, I had seriously had enough), then I went to the grocery store which was a total mob scene on Sunday afternoon. I was only out for about 3.5 hours total, but I was totally spent and useless for the rest of the day.
So let's talk clothing for a minute... nothing fits me. I feel like I am seriously gigantic. My bloat is beyond insane. I know I have gained, but I honestly have no idea how much (I have avoided the scale like the plague). I have my first OB appointment on Wednesday, and I am really scared to be weighed. I also am scared that my new OB is going to lecture me about not gaining much during pregnancy since I am already a bit chunky now. When I say that to my wife, she says I am crazy, but it is a real concern of mine. I don't want to feel like I am having to watch myself and count calories at this point. Right now I feel like I am in survival mode and if that means cheez-its for breakfast and bread and cheese for dinner, that is what it means right now. I am hoping second tri is better, and once I start actually showing, I will feel pregnant and not just fat. My mid-section is like 3 times its normal width/span -- what the heck?!?! HAHA
OK, I am done complaining/ranting now.
In positive news, only 3 more weeks til the 12 week mark. Holy cow!
QOTD: No plans for Halloween at this point. We also don't get trick-or-treaters, and are not really Halloween people. I agree that will likely change with kiddos...
- 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012
5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March -
July 2013) = BFN
Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013
resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2
Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer! *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt
= 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581
*********William George born June 4, 2014*********
@KH826 I remember the bloat starting really early as well. I used the belly bands (and still do) to be more comfortable in my regular pants. Not sure if you have any yet, but I really got a lot of use out of them.
I am 36 going on 37 weeks this week. I am feeling uncomfortable, little man isn't so little anymore and kicks are increasingly more painful. Last week I had my GBS and was not dilated at all yet. Which makes all the BH contractions even more frusterating. Not that I want to have him early, but it would be nice if I was seeing a little progress from all the contractions. I would be okay hanging out at a 1 or 2 cm for a couple of weeks. I think I am mostly ready to have him becuase I feel like I need a break from work. Being in the ER for the end of this third trimester is harder than I expected. Kinda a downer post this week.... I think I am just feeling "done." Not wanting an early baby, just a healthy one. But I cannot wait until he is on the outside and I can pass him to my wife to hold for a little while.
No big Halloween plans, will be going to a friend's house for some veggie chili and likely Game 7 of the World Series if we keep playing the way we have been.
Same sex couple, Married 8/6/11
Baby Oliver born 11/27/13
TTC stats with donor sperm...
IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
Hello everyone! Finally got to a check-in again! @ATXmommas -I'm sorry to hear about the insurance! I know you were hoping for the birth center and that's such a bummer! Hopefully your time at the hospital will be just as good @KH826 -just wanted to say it is so great to see you at almost 9 weeks already! The first tri was also really awful for J but it does get better! (For most at least!)
As for me, we are 21w3d and I'm starting to feel tiny kicks from the outside. It makes me SO happy. J has been feeling pretty consistent movement for a couple weeks and that is reassuring both of us. One thing that is hard is that she is growing so fast, she gets a lot of weird pains/aches and I'm so scared of pre-term labor, it really keeps me nervous. Luckily we have another ultrasound in one week so hopefully that is reassuring and her cervix is holding up! We also just announced to everyone about having two girls and got a lot of fun responses
QOTD: nothing big, we want to sit outside and hand out candy dressed up
My name is A, I am wife to J. After 7 months of ttc and one MC, we are expecting two baby girls in 2014!
I'm 9w5d with twins and my EDD is 5/28/14. I really feel like dirt most of the time, I REALLY can't wait to not feel disgusting all the time. My wife is a saint for picking up all the slack for the household, let me tell you! And she pretty much coaches me all day every day! I'm really struggling just to make it through each day, which makes for a shitty existence.. but I know it would be much worse if she wasn't keeping me focused!
QOTD: I usually was the one handing out candy, but I really don't think I'll be up for it this year.
Mom to the Lil Man and the Lil' Lady born at 33wks1day
@KH826 & Pinkspark - The fatigue and yuckiness that first tri brings is so hard. Third tri presents its own challenges, but the fatigue is more physical than the pure fatigue I felt during first tri. I remember feeling so exhausted one day that I was convinced it was never going to go away -thought I would be that exhausted forever. Good news is that in a few weeks you will likely feel amazing! Second tri is a magical place to be. You feel more confident, you regain energy, and hopefully you will feel pretty amazing most days! I started feeling better around 14 weeks, but my real turning point was around 16 weeks.
And, KH, you are right - you just have to eat what you can right now. We all dream about all the kale and whatnot we'll eat when we get pregnant, but a lot of the healthy foods sound outright revolting in early pregnancy. Little one will be just fine as long as you are doing what you can to take care of yourself.
And early bloat is no joke! My only saving grace is that it was starting to get warm during my early pregnancy, so I could wear a lot of skirts with stretchy waistlines! And, I used the rubber band trick a lot with my pants. It got to a point before I announced my pregnancy (around 15 weeks) that all I could wear were dresses. I did buy some maternity dresses early on that didn't look terrible without a real bump and I was able to grow into. Motherhood has been my favorite place to shop - reasonable prices and often have sales going on.
@mwagner25 - We are pretty much in the same boat (which makes sense, of course!). I feel like little one is trying to emerge from my abdomen as hard as he sticks his behind or foot or whatever out. And those jabs to the ribs! Ouch! I'm getting really ready too. Don't want him to come too early, but as soon as he wants to come after 38 weeks is fine with me! I had a talk with my boss this morning - luckily my work place is very flexible and I have a job that I can perform from home most days. I've decided I'm going to work 4-day weeks for the next 3 weeks and 11/20 will be my last day whether baby is here or not. She also told me I can work from home as much as I want. So, that is a big plus for me. I don't know how you are hanging in there since your job is so much more physical than mine! I'm getting winded walking from my desk to the restroom!
@AmandaG47 - That is so cool that you are able to feel little baby kicks now! My wife still gets the biggest kick out of feeling our boy move around, and those first movements are just sooo exciting! I can't even imagine a twin pregnancy - I'm sure you are taking good care of her, just like @Pinkspark's wife is taking care of her.
Thanks to all who have said encouraging words for me today. I am feeling a little badly about being so negative. I truly am thrilled to be pregnant and experiencing all of this, I promise! It is just hard to be quite as thrilled with your head in your trashcan at work. HAHA
@herbabymama - I hope we get to see a PIP of those Halloween costumes on Thursday!
@mwagner - you are such a trouper. Are you planning to work right up until your due date/labor?
@ATXmommas - that is definitely a bummer about the birthing center. I can imagine how difficult it must be to feel like you don't get to do this totally your way just because of insurance coverage. I hope you get your appeal!
@AmandaG47 & @Pinkspark - glad you are trucking along in your twin journeys. So exciting! I can't wait to hear more updates from you both!
- 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012
5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March -
July 2013) = BFN
Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013
resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2
Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer! *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt
= 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581
*********William George born June 4, 2014*********
Thanks to all who have said encouraging words for me today. I am feeling a little badly about being so negative. I truly am thrilled to be pregnant and experiencing all of this, I promise! It is just hard to be quite as thrilled with your head in your trashcan at work. HAHA
Oh, don't feel badly. I know what you mean - I have had the same feelings too. I know there are so many people who wish they could be experiencing what we are experiencing (because I felt that way after my loss and I'm sure you felt that way while you were struggling with TTC). But, it's okay to acknowledge that there are some rough parts to pregnancy. Everyone here knows how grateful you are to be carrying your little one.
@KH826 I am working up until my dute date or whenever I go into labor. It's a bummer but my maternity leave sucks and if I take off time before he comes then it is less time that I will get after he is here.
Same sex couple, Married 8/6/11
Baby Oliver born 11/27/13
TTC stats with donor sperm...
IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
@ATXmommas, glad you are getting to cut back to 4 days and work from home some. I keep trying to tell little man that he cannot emerge from the side of my abdomen, but it sure does feel like he is trying sometimes.
Same sex couple, Married 8/6/11
Baby Oliver born 11/27/13
TTC stats with donor sperm...
IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
I am 32 weeks, 3 days, and my EDD is December 20th. I am doing really well! I waddle all the time now, and it is really awesome how with working and still doing full duty, people are very quick to help me out when I have to go to scenes. It is nice and interesting how people want to help the short little pregnant girl lol. I have it in my head that I don't want to go on light duty until I absolutely have to and can't do full duty any more. I go stir crazy sitting at work for 10 hours, but I also want to listen to my body and if and when it is time to slow down I will. This Friday I get to see my little bean for the first time in forever! I got to see him all the time in the beginning, but haven't in about 10 or so weeks (maybe longer). It is really neat because I feel like he and I have been developing a relationship, and I feel him with my hands on a regular basis, just to feel him. My stomach gurgled the other day, which it does a lot these days, and he immediately jumped! I think it scared the little guy, as he was sleeping. It made me laugh and those are the things that he and I experience on our own
@ATXmommas I know you have really been wanting to give birth at the birthing center and I am sorry that you had a let down like that. It sucks when you have something in your mind that you seriously want, and it gets taken away by "red tape". I hope that you get everything worked out as close to what you want as possible, and I also hope you get some rest!
@KH826 It is so great to see you here!! Just wanted to say that. And the first trimester is definitely rough with everything going on inside your body, none of it being in your control at all. We have all been there, and understand completely how you are feeling! We also know how greatful you are to be posting on this thread, and this is exactly the place for you to be letting it out, the good, bad, ugly...whatever it may be. It gets better for sure, and I agree with others about the belly band. I got one at the beginning and still wear it to this day.
@mwagner25 You and several other posters are getting so close to the finish line!! I really appreciate you posting everything about what is going on as it gives me and others an idea of what is to come. You're going to be able to pass your baby to your wife before you know it, and your torso will be yours once again lol!
@AmandaG47 Isn't it so awesome when you finally get to feel them from the outside!!! I am hoping that everything goes perfectly well for your little ones and they get to cook for as long as humanly possible!
@Pinkspark Totally get the whole feeling like crap thing and it's great that your wife is helping you keep focused. Can't wait to hear how it is going week to week!
@herbabymama You are getting closer! In just a few days you will no longer have to put the month in front of the date when your are due! (Unless your wife is correct lol). So good to hear that everything is going well and you are trucking along!
QOTD: I am actually off work this Halloween, which is rare for some reason. I am going to stay home, and not sure yet if I am going to get some candy and see if i get trick or treaters or not. This will be my first time at home and I have no idea what it is like. I have some scary movies recorded and at the least I will be partaking of that.
So glad to read everyone's posts (I have to shower and get to bed for an early AM flight or I'd write more). Just happy everyone's doing well even when not feeling well. And I'm so looking forward to the birth stories and baby updates as we get to meet the babies in the coming weeks!! :-)
I'm feeling pretty good 13w 6d today, still more exhausted then I'd like to be but I've been able to resume walking for an hour each day which is great and makes me feel better. I'm looking forward to our gender reveal in a few weeks and feeling the baby move :-)
QOTD: I'm going to EVs work with K this week for their Halloween celebration and then having friends and their baby over on Halloween. I love this holiday!! :-)
My DP and I are from Queensland Australia. We've been together 7 years and both in our late 20's.
Currently 4 weeks with our first pregnancy done through a clinic using IUI (lucky enough to get it first go).
DP works away so I haunt a couple of boards to keep sane and battle the loneliness.
Symptoms pretty much mimic that of my period with the addition of some light (brown) spotting. Assuming its implantation playing games down there.
Will be getting a BT maybe tomorrow or Monday to check HCG levels. Nervous, excited and still in a little disbelief... Maybe when the morning sickness kicks in (here's hoping it's easy to hide from work) that things will seem more 'real'.
Re: Pregnancy Check-In
8w6d for me today - 9 weeks tomorrow.
Feeling mega sick. Yesterday was rough, and then last night I was woken up by nausea several times. When I got out of bed this morning, I knew within a minute that I was going to be sick this morning. It was bad. I have since managed to eat some oatmeal and I am really hoping that the worst is over for this morning. I also felt the most exhausted that I ever have (ever in my life, I think) yesterday afternoon. I had gone out shopping to try to buy some new work clothes (after an hour in one store and trying on 30 pieces of clothing, only to buy one pair of pants, I had seriously had enough), then I went to the grocery store which was a total mob scene on Sunday afternoon. I was only out for about 3.5 hours total, but I was totally spent and useless for the rest of the day.
So let's talk clothing for a minute... nothing fits me. I feel like I am seriously gigantic. My bloat is beyond insane. I know I have gained, but I honestly have no idea how much (I have avoided the scale like the plague). I have my first OB appointment on Wednesday, and I am really scared to be weighed. I also am scared that my new OB is going to lecture me about not gaining much during pregnancy since I am already a bit chunky now. When I say that to my wife, she says I am crazy, but it is a real concern of mine. I don't want to feel like I am having to watch myself and count calories at this point. Right now I feel like I am in survival mode and if that means cheez-its for breakfast and bread and cheese for dinner, that is what it means right now. I am hoping second tri is better, and once I start actually showing, I will feel pregnant and not just fat. My mid-section is like 3 times its normal width/span -- what the heck?!?! HAHA
OK, I am done complaining/ranting now.
In positive news, only 3 more weeks til the 12 week mark. Holy cow!
QOTD: No plans for Halloween at this point. We also don't get trick-or-treaters, and are not really Halloween people. I agree that will likely change with kiddos...
Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012
5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN
Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer! *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581 *********William George born June 4, 2014*********Baby Oliver born 11/27/13
TTC stats with donor sperm...
IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
@KH826 -just wanted to say it is so great to see you at almost 9 weeks already! The first tri was also really awful for J but it does get better! (For most at least!)
As for me, we are 21w3d and I'm starting to feel tiny kicks from the outside. It makes me SO happy. J has been feeling pretty consistent movement for a couple weeks and that is reassuring both of us. One thing that is hard is that she is growing so fast, she gets a lot of weird pains/aches and I'm so scared of pre-term labor, it really keeps me nervous. Luckily we have another ultrasound in one week so hopefully that is reassuring and her cervix is holding up! We also just announced to everyone about having two girls and got a lot of fun responses
QOTD: nothing big, we want to sit outside and hand out candy dressed up
Thanks to all who have said encouraging words for me today. I am feeling a little badly about being so negative. I truly am thrilled to be pregnant and experiencing all of this, I promise! It is just hard to be quite as thrilled with your head in your trashcan at work. HAHA
@herbabymama - I hope we get to see a PIP of those Halloween costumes on Thursday!
@mwagner - you are such a trouper. Are you planning to work right up until your due date/labor?
@ATXmommas - that is definitely a bummer about the birthing center. I can imagine how difficult it must be to feel like you don't get to do this totally your way just because of insurance coverage. I hope you get your appeal!
@AmandaG47 & @Pinkspark - glad you are trucking along in your twin journeys. So exciting! I can't wait to hear more updates from you both!
Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012
5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN
Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer! *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581 *********William George born June 4, 2014*********Baby Oliver born 11/27/13
TTC stats with donor sperm...
IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
Baby Oliver born 11/27/13
TTC stats with donor sperm...
IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
I am 32 weeks, 3 days, and my EDD is December 20th. I am doing really well! I waddle all the time now, and it is really awesome how with working and still doing full duty, people are very quick to help me out when I have to go to scenes. It is nice and interesting how people want to help the short little pregnant girl lol. I have it in my head that I don't want to go on light duty until I absolutely have to and can't do full duty any more. I go stir crazy sitting at work for 10 hours, but I also want to listen to my body and if and when it is time to slow down I will. This Friday I get to see my little bean for the first time in forever! I got to see him all the time in the beginning, but haven't in about 10 or so weeks (maybe longer). It is really neat because I feel like he and I have been developing a relationship, and I feel him with my hands on a regular basis, just to feel him. My stomach gurgled the other day, which it does a lot these days, and he immediately jumped! I think it scared the little guy, as he was sleeping. It made me laugh and those are the things that he and I experience on our own
@ATXmommas I know you have really been wanting to give birth at the birthing center and I am sorry that you had a let down like that. It sucks when you have something in your mind that you seriously want, and it gets taken away by "red tape". I hope that you get everything worked out as close to what you want as possible, and I also hope you get some rest!
@KH826 It is so great to see you here!! Just wanted to say that. And the first trimester is definitely rough with everything going on inside your body, none of it being in your control at all. We have all been there, and understand completely how you are feeling! We also know how greatful you are to be posting on this thread, and this is exactly the place for you to be letting it out, the good, bad, ugly...whatever it may be. It gets better for sure, and I agree with others about the belly band. I got one at the beginning and still wear it to this day.
@mwagner25 You and several other posters are getting so close to the finish line!! I really appreciate you posting everything about what is going on as it gives me and others an idea of what is to come. You're going to be able to pass your baby to your wife before you know it, and your torso will be yours once again lol!
@AmandaG47 Isn't it so awesome when you finally get to feel them from the outside!!! I am hoping that everything goes perfectly well for your little ones and they get to cook for as long as humanly possible!
@Pinkspark Totally get the whole feeling like crap thing and it's great that your wife is helping you keep focused. Can't wait to hear how it is going week to week!
@herbabymama You are getting closer! In just a few days you will no longer have to put the month in front of the date when your are due! (Unless your wife is correct lol). So good to hear that everything is going well and you are trucking along!
QOTD: I am actually off work this Halloween, which is rare for some reason. I am going to stay home, and not sure yet if I am going to get some candy and see if i get trick or treaters or not. This will be my first time at home and I have no idea what it is like. I have some scary movies recorded and at the least I will be partaking of that.
I'm feeling pretty good 13w 6d today, still more exhausted then I'd like to be but I've been able to resume walking for an hour each day which is great and makes me feel better. I'm looking forward to our gender reveal in a few weeks and feeling the baby move :-)
QOTD: I'm going to EVs work with K this week for their Halloween celebration and then having friends and their baby over on Halloween. I love this holiday!! :-)
My DP and I are from Queensland Australia. We've been together 7 years and both in our late 20's.
Currently 4 weeks with our first pregnancy done through a clinic using IUI (lucky enough to get it first go).
DP works away so I haunt a couple of boards to keep sane and battle the loneliness.
Symptoms pretty much mimic that of my period with the addition of some light (brown) spotting. Assuming its implantation playing games down there.
Will be getting a BT maybe tomorrow or Monday to check HCG levels.
Nervous, excited and still in a little disbelief... Maybe when the morning sickness kicks in (here's hoping it's easy to hide from work) that things will seem more 'real'.
Looking forward to chatting to you soon.