September 2013 Moms

Crying baby

My son cries when he's not eating or sleeping. I check his diaper, burp him. Walk with him but he's a cranky pants. He's 3 weeks and we only get short periods were he's actually content. Is this typical?

Re: Crying baby

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    In sorry mama. I wish I had better advice. My baby is upset 80-90% the time and he's 7 wks.
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    You aren't alone! I'm going on hour 4 of trying to get her to bed and feel like I'm losing my mind
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    It gets better My baby did the same thing the first 2- 3 weeks now she can be awake and not cry at all until she gets hungry !
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    Thx ladies at least I know I'm not alone
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    My LO did the same. I found the 2 things that worked was a swing and a white noise machine. We just downloaded the songza app. He likes the nature sounds genre.


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    Does he suffer with gas at all? When my baby girl is screaming her lungs out and it's nothing to do with food, poo, temperature or just being restless....It's usually gas and she is in pain!
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    Gas is what we suspect. I give him gripe water which seems to help. He's formula fed during the day and gets some breast at night. Maybe switching formula would work but I don't know when and to what. I'm using similac advanced but may need to switch.
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    We had this too and finally switched to Gerber Goodstart Gentle and it made him a different LO :)  Not sure if it'll work for everyone, but it did for us.  Good luck and hang in there...they do smile and laugh!!! 
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    My baby cried constantly and everyone told me it was colic and he would eventually grow out of it.  After a particularly rough day, with only about 20 minutes of contentment in a 24 hour period, I took him to the pedi.  It turned out he was not gaining adequate weight.  I wasn't producing enough milk or my milk was too low in nutritive value.  I began supplementing and he is a completely different baby.  He went from crying most hours of the day, to crying less than an hour a day total.  I know most of the time there is not a reason for the crying, but if you feel like something is wrong trust your gut and make sure there isn't an underlying health issue.
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    My baby only has 5 - 10 minutes at a time of being content.. Not including when she's eating or sleeping.. It's really hit or miss every day. She's going on 7 weeks.
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