Cloth Diapering

Smelly diaper rash--Update

edited October 2013 in Cloth Diapering
He's had a rash (not smelly) for a couple of weeks-gets better and then comes back. I've mostly been using CJ's plus spray with some improvement. The past couple of diaper changes I've noticed that his groin area is a little smelly and he's been grabbing his groin and crying. Any thoughts on this?


So, it's not yeast or fungus!  The dr. took one look at him and said "he's allergic to his diapers."  He gave us a steroid cream.

Now what?  Do I just strip my dipes and go back to cloth once his rash clears?  Change my detergent--I"ve been using Charlie's Soap?  I'm pretty sure we have hard water..does that have anything to do with it?  Also, do I have to use the steroid cream for a contact rash?  I made the grapefruit seed extract coconut oil concoction.  Will that be enough?

Re: Smelly diaper rash--Update

  • yup.  Go to a doctor.  It's probably some sort of fungal infection or something that needs medication.


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  • tjkdlhb said:
    yup.  Go to a doctor.  It's probably some sort of fungal infection or something that needs medication.
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  • edited October 2013
    Poor baby.  Thanks! 


    What do I need to do with my dipes?  Or should I wait to hear what the dr. has to say and then act? 
  • Poor baby.  Thanks! 


    What do I need to do with my dipes?  Or should I wait to hear what the dr. has to say and then act? 
    I would wait to see.  
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  • You will probably have to strip and disinfect your diapers to be on the safe side.  You might want to put him in disposables until the rash has been cleared up for a few days.

    There are a few ways to do this...start with diapers that have been cleaned using your regular wash routine.  Then
    I use 1/4 cup of bleach with 20 drops of tea tree oil and 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract in a long hot cycle with as much water as you can possibly use (I use my mom's toploader, since mine is a frontloader HE machine that doesn't add enough water).
    Then I add about 1-2 tbsp of blue dawn to a second long hot wash with high water level.
    Then I do a wash with my regular detergent to make absolutely certain that the bleach is gone. Then rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse to make sure that any of the bubbles are gone.


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