Baby Names

Middle Name for Charlotte

DD1 is Evelyn Riley. I intentionally gave her a old fashioned first and a modern middle, in case she gets sick if hearing, "oh that was my grandmothers name! " ;) I love her name, and want to do the same type of thing for DD2. We are pretty set on Charlotte with the NN Charlie. I would like Harper for a mn but DH vetoed. Any suggestions?

I feel like a lot I'm coming up with are boyish type names (Ryanne was one I liked) but then she would possibly have two "boy names" if she goes by Charlie (or does that not matter since any time you would use a middle name you'd be using the full first name, wedding, resume, etc). Also, for what is is worth out last name is Schultz so we've got a lot of C sounds already!

Charlotte Claire
Charlotte Paige
Charlotte Ryanne
Charlotte Harper (and just convince DH??)
DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

Re: Middle Name for Charlotte

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    I like Charlotte Harper the best, followed by Paige
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    I like Charlotte Ryan, spelled this way. There's no reason to change up the spelling; she has a really feminine first name, so it's not like anyone's going to mistake her for a boy.

    DD1's MN is Piper (we actually were going for the same thing; we wanted to balance her formal first name with something fun and punchy). Charlotte Piper would be cute, too.

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    I like Charlotte Ryan, spelled this way. There's no reason to change up the spelling; she has a really feminine first name, so it's not like anyone's going to mistake her for a boy.

    DD1's MN is Piper (we actually were going for the same thing; we wanted to balance her formal first name with something fun and punchy). Charlotte Piper would be cute, too.

    I love Piper! Adding it to the list!
    DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
    DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

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    Charlotte Rose

    Charlotte Leigh

    Charlotte Marie

    Charlotte Layne

    Charlotte Jane

    Charlotte Rae

    Charlotte Mae

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    MrsMuq said:

    My first thought was Charlotte Elizabeth, but Elizabeth is a bit old fashioned, eh?

    Charlotte Rose
    Charlotte Payton
    Charlotte Reese
    Charlotte Layne
    Charlotte Louise
    Charlotte Elise

    Oh! Reece was on my initial list too! Do you think Charlotte Reece Schultz is too heavy on the C's though?

    DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
    DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

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