Late FFFC. Sometime when I've had a real crap day at work, I listen to hannity on the way home and yell at the radio. It helps me get my work aggression out. I rally don't like that guy.
Late FFFC. Sometime when I've had a real crap day at work, I listen to hannity on the way home and yell at the radio. It helps me get my work aggression out. I rally don't like that guy.
I used to listen to conservative talk radio on my way home after field days (2 hour drive there, working all day in the elements, 2 hour drive home). It was a good way to get out aggression and stay awake.
Also it's always good to know what the enemy is up to.
Re: Fox News is Wrong? Shocker...
Also it's always good to know what the enemy is up to.