
Spice rack help

Would you put a spice rack over a stove? I have little wall space in my kitchen and that's the only convenient place to put it but I don't know if this would be a problem with a gas stove. I'm tired of digging in my pantry...
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Re: Spice rack help

  • I wouldn't, but that's only because I heard once that you shouldn't store spices near heat (it dulls the intensity or something like that).
    DS1 November 2009
    DS2 August 2012
  • Do you have a drawer next to your stove?  I have one of those racks that lays down in a drawer and it's really convenient.
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  • Didn't know that about the heat thing. I might just try to put it on the wall then. Thanks. :)
    imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I vote for magnetic tins stuck to the fridge. I LOVE those things and they are fairly cheap from IKEA. They make life so much better.
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