Baby Names

Normal to start having name doubts as L&D nears?

For those of you that have had a name chosen for a while...either most of your pregnancy, or even before getting pregnant... Did you ever start to get nervous about your name choice as your due date approached? I have had the name Eden picked out since getting pregnant, and DH actually likes it, which is rare that we agree on name choice, so I have been figuring this was a done deal for a while now. However, thoughts of doubt are starting to creep up about the name, even though I still feel this is the only name I truly LOVE out of my list of 4 other names that I LIKE. Can you guys weigh in on my top two concerns?

1. Sibset is too rhymey: DS is Landon. Although it is a "don" ending, most of the time when said quickly, it sounds likes "den" ending. I'm concerned that they sound too similar. I don't like siblings with matchy names. Am I overthinking this? (Sorry to the regulars on the board...I've asked this a few times, but could still use further reassurance)

2. Rising popularity/trendiness: do you consider this to be a trendy name? I was going for something a little more off the radar but Eden seems to be popping up everywhere lately- one of my younger dance students, friends on FB choosing the name, on websites and in catalogues such as birth announcement examples, Pinterest, monogram examples in Pottery Barn etc.

I'm hoping that it's normal to start worrying about if you're choosing the perfect name as the pregnancy progresses. We did not name DS until 5 min before leaving the hospital, so I am new to these feelings!

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Re: Normal to start having name doubts as L&D nears?

  • edited October 2013

    It's totally normal to second guess yourself.  I couldn't even commit to a name -- so we brought 3 names to the hospital.

    1. I don't think the names are rhymey.  They are maybe a tad sing songy-  but far from silly sounding and matchy.

    2. I think the name Eden is trendy, but because I don't envision it reaching Madison-ish proportions, I think that will make it feel less dated in 10-15 years.  Usually the bigger the climb, the harder the fall (meaning thru the ranks).

    I think Eden is a lovely name.  It's feminine, pretty, easy to pronounce and spell.  I think it would be a great choice.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • 1. I think it is similar to Landon but not rhymey.

    2.seems more popular than it was but I don't think it will be super popular.

    Take your list to l and d and decide there! GL

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  • 1. I don't think Landon and Eden are too similar to scratch Eden entirely.  I think they work fine.  

    2. I agree with PP, Eden isn't going to reach the Madison popularity levels.  And, it's a lovely name!  Perhaps to balance out the kind of popularity part, pick a really uncommon mn?  

    I'd also take the list with you to the hospital, you might feel differently, you never know! 
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  • I think it's pretty normal to have second thoughts as you get closer to time. It's like any other big commitment; it's going to be someone's name forever! As for your concerns, I don't think it's too matchy with Landon. I don't consider it trendy in the negative sense we use "trendy" around here, but I do think of it as part of the trend (really popular among my Christian friends right now, especially the Evangelicals) of finding "fresh" biblical names, particularly from the Old Testament. These people want to use a biblical name, but they don't want their daughter to be the millionth Hannah or Abigail, so they're turning to more non-traditional names, like Eden, Selah, and Psalm. They're not really a mainstream culture, though, so I don't really consider the trends they're taking indicative of the population at large (though many of these "new" Old Testament names are taking off; see Noah and Elijah).
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  • queenbonequeenbone member
    edited October 2013
    I think it is normal before and even in the first few weeks after naming the baby.

    THe names are too similar for me, but I'd be afraid of tripping over the names when calling them out. This isn't a concern for a lot of people.  I don't think Eden is trendy or popular at all. I've never heard it IRL so thumbs up in that respect.
    Married 9-4-04

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  • My girl name is Eden, too. I had the same concerns about it becoming popular in the beginning but the only places I'm ever hearing people talk about it is online, never in real life. I've never met another person with the name, either. Even if it gets mildly popular it doesn't necessarily mean it'll be popular in your area and I highly doubt our girls would have to go by Eden Last- Initial in school like a Katelyn or Aidan would.
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  • June2007June2007 member
    edited October 2013
    I started really second guessing DSs name in the last few weeks (he is now 2 weeks old ) but DH was holding firm to the name we originally agreed on. For my older 2 DDs it was reversed, he second guessed while i held firm. So to me, yes it's normal. FWIW I am glad DH stuck to DSs name, I love it and it fits him so well already.
    My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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  • DH and I are both very much second guessing this DDs name but can't find any other names we love more so we will likely stick with it.

    I think Eden is a great name and none of the problems you mentioned seem like a big issue to me.

    I think the biggest thing to ask yourself is if you'll regret NOT using Eden. There's no guarantee you'll ever have another daughter, so use your favorite.
    image image
  • Second guessing is completely normal! A friend of mine was dead set on the name Kennedy. People even bought her things for her baby shower that already had the name embroidered on it and just a few weeks before delivery she decided she was over the name! It wasn't until 3 days before delivery that she found the name she wanted. 

    FWIW I think Eden and Landon are an adorable sib set. Maybe take a list of names to the hosital with you and decide when you see her. There are no rules saying you HAVE TO stick with the name. 

    As far as popularity goes, I have never meet an Eden IRL. These days you are more likely to find cutesy, teen mom type of names on a classroom roster than classic names like Eden. I think it's a great choice. 
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