Cloth Diapering


Is is too early for confessions?  It's Friday, yo!

Re: ~~~FFFC~~~

  • I made curried chickpeas in the crockpot last night and I was too lazy to even make rice for it when I got home.  So I ate half a container of candy and a yogurt and promised DH I would finish it for lunch today. Ha ha!  
  • Also, I think DH feels little guilty because he's going out tonight.  But I'm kind of excited to have the night to myself.  I plan to bump and sew.  And maybe have some wine.  Maybe.  Okay definitely.
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  • I don't have enough clean diapers or enough milk to send to school with LO. I'm a lazy parent.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • I got home at 1:00 AM. I only had one drink (way before I had to drive home), but I am so tired I almost wish I was hungover instead. Thank God DS is in a good mood and is happy to play independently for a few minutes. I need to load him up to go get a haircut (for him) and groceries, and I'm considering staying in the velour sweats that I slept in since I haven't gotten my winter clothes out yet.


  • I'm not working today...I'm bumping, drinking coffee and buying more dipes :)

    Stoney, what are you sewing??
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh, and I may or may not have been a bit squeamish about buying bedroom toys from the Pure Romance lady last night, but I probably kept a catalog and got her email address in case I get brave (i.e. toasted) and decide that I need a date with something that wiggles, rotates, vibrates, lights up, and doesn't talk during sex.


  • PS I love buckeyes.


  • I'm feeling lazy, as well as, in some fair amount of pain from BH contractions. DS and I are in my bed watching Spider-Man. I have no plans of doing anything different (just different shows) once he takes a nap.
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  • I'm terrified of not having an epidural as an option. And trying not to freak out at this point.

    I think I'm going to combat this by some retail theropy (natural birthing books, maybe a yoga ball) and some kind of dessert for lunch.
  • @unavergejane since we are all a little crunchy I thought I'd share. I found this website Good Clean Love. So healhier / saver "lovin" products! We tried some stuff the other night but were having a date night tonight to try more stuff! ;)
  • I'm no longer satisfied working. I wish I could SAH! I'm trying to figure out how I could make this possible. I'd need to make some income!
  • I'm no longer satisfied working. I wish I could SAH! I'm trying to figure out how I could make this possible. I'd need to make some income!

    maybe you could buy alvas and re-brand them as yellow lily bumz and charge $15 a diaper! just a thought... :))

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers


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  • I'm no longer satisfied working. I wish I could SAH! I'm trying to figure out how I could make this possible. I'd need to make some income!

    maybe you could buy alvas and re-brand them as yellow lily bumz and charge $15 a diaper! just a thought... :))

  • PS I love buckeyes.
    I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you mean buttholes.
  • @Mandmeesh I'm sewing some mama cloth.  I'm experimenting with some different styles.
  • I haven't cleaned my bathrooms since the Thursday before I had J. My kids' toilet is so gross. And so is the sink. Blech.

    Yeah.. You don't want to know the last time ours has really been cleaned!
    I keep hoping if it gets gross enough DH will just do it. Not working. I may hire a cleaning lady! :)
  • I wish someone would post another Zulily diaper. I have a dozen leftover jello shots and nothing to do with them.


  • I wish someone would post another Zulily diaper. I have a dozen leftover jello shots and nothing to do with them.
    I will help you drink them tonight. Eat them? Imbibe?
  • Ick. Jell-O shots
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  • @stoneycakes I am spending the night with an older friend who just had heart surgery. I thought for a second about taking them to her house, but I'm pretty sure rum is not on her list of approved foods and beverages.

    @Mandmeesh I am not wild about them, but the bride-to-be wanted me to make them. Unfortunately, we all had to drive to BFE for the party, so most folks couldn't drink much. It's probably a good thing, though.

    On a side note, I was shocked at the amount of grown women at the party who had no idea of the meanings of nooner and family jewels. I'm pretty sure they won't nominate me to write the clues for pictionary anymore.


  • I got a huge bonus at work!!!!!!! And I'm not telling DH
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I got a huge bonus at work!!!!!!! And I'm not telling DH
    What? Congrats, but why wouldn't you tell him?
    because since I'm the one who makes the household money and things are tight a lof of the time, he is completely negative about money.  Like, completely.  

    Trying to take M to the pumpkin patch last weekend resulted in him complaining about being broke.  I think his view of money is so skewed since he hasn't been the one working for a while
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Okay.  You made me feel guilty MK. Lol.  I told him 
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  • I guess my confession is that I am about to do my first ever FB defriend and block if this chick keeps spewing stupidity. First she's using her baby shower as a gift grab. She madea FB page for it and l;inks things she wants to it all. the. time. She posts these pseudo science anti vac and anti doctor bull crap all over the place. Now she's doing the whole "My doc wants me to get the Flu shot. The doctor is evil!!". I gave her information on it and explained why it's so important. I swear if I wasn't friends with her mother she would of been gone long ago.
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  • Mandmeesh said:
    I got a huge bonus at work!!!!!!! And I'm not telling DH
    I used to always want to hide my Christmas bonuses so I could buy DH a big present with it and he'd be super surprised.  But then, as soon as I got home I'd be all like, "Guess what! I got a Christmas bonus today!"  I could seriously never hold it in for more than 15 minutes, LOL.
  • Yeah. My plan is to actually get the Breaking Bad complete series for DH. It's $200. That'll be fun. TJ, I love singing like a maniac in my car :). Even when I'm dressed all nice for work, I still sing inappropriate rap songs which I love, for some reason. Lol
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Mandmeesh said:

    Okay.  You made me feel guilty MK. Lol.  I told him 

    Btw, you said bonus, I read raise.
    I've never had a "real" job. Well I have, but we didn't get bonuses. I think we got a turkey one year...
    Gobble gobble.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • I got a turkey as a Thanksgiving bonus at an office job I had in high school.  I worked with all adults who were appreciative and I was like, "Gee, thanks...a turkey."  My mom was so excited, though, lol.
  • TJ1979 said:
    I just totally got busted singing snoop dogg gin and juice at the top of my lungs at a red light with the window down and my toddler screaming in the back seat. She HATES my carseat and screams at all times in my car. The windows down usually calm her some and the music usually helps me stay sane. I didn't learn my lesson by being embarrassed. I was belting out hey jealousy by the gin blossoms at the next light. And I just got the gin connection, nicely done 90s on 9!
      I LOVE this so much, I don't even have words for it.
  • Okay.  You made me feel guilty MK. Lol.  I told him 
    Btw, you said bonus, I read raise. I've never had a "real" job. Well I have, but we didn't get bonuses. I think we got a turkey one year...
    yeah, if it'd been a raise, my first post would have been "DIAPERS FOR EVERYONE!!!" lol
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Mandmeesh said:

    Mandmeesh said:

    Okay.  You made me feel guilty MK. Lol.

    Btw, you said bonus, I read raise.
    I've never had a "real" job. Well I have, but we didn't get bonuses. I think we got a turkey one year...

    yeah, if it'd been a raise, my first post would have been "DIAPERS FOR EVERYONE!!!" lol
    I'll take a blueberry paisley cover pls thx ;)

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  • I'm pretty sure I'm not dressing DS up for Halloween. I just can't bring myself to spend the money purely for a photo op. I'm looking forward to him being old enough to be excited about costumes.


  • I know I should be grateful for the gifts L gets for her birthday, but does every freaking thing have to light up and play music?! I can't take it.
    My mom got G a fabulous ride-on/push/pull dump truck for his birthday. It's supposed to play music and honk. I might not have ever put batteries in it. I'm so thankful for this time while he's still little enough to not realize it's supposed to do anything else.
    London Eye 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage

  • Mandmeesh said:
    I got a huge bonus at work!!!!!!! And I'm not telling DH
    What? Congrats, but why wouldn't you tell him?
    because since I'm the one who makes the household money and things are tight a lof of the time, he is completely negative about money.  Like, completely.  

    Trying to take M to the pumpkin patch last weekend resulted in him complaining about being broke.  I think his view of money is so skewed since he hasn't been the one working for a while
    Ugh! That's such a tough situation! Money was a HUGE stress/fight-starter for the first few years J and I were married. We've sorted it out (mostly), but I'm dreading the point at which I no longer work and we go down to one income.
    London Eye 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage

  • I'm pretty sure I'm not dressing DS up for Halloween. I just can't bring myself to spend the money purely for a photo op. I'm looking forward to him being old enough to be excited about costumes.

  • I'm pretty sure I'm not dressing DS up for Halloween. I just can't bring myself to spend the money purely for a photo op. I'm looking forward to him being old enough to be excited about costumes.
    And now your siggy has made me think it would be hilarious to dress DS in drag. I am such a horrible person!



  • I'm pretty sure I'm not dressing DS up for Halloween. I just can't bring myself to spend the money purely for a photo op. I'm looking forward to him being old enough to be excited about costumes.
    And now your siggy has made me think it would be hilarious to dress DS in drag. I am such a horrible person!
    Do it while he's still too young to argue ;)
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