Health & Exercise

Running and heart palpitations?

Don't know if anyone has experience with this but just thought I'd give it a shot. For a long time I have had heart palpitations, kind of a nasty flip flop feeling in your chest. Got checked out by dr and they said they are harmless extra beats and everyone has them, I am just more sensitive to them. Anyway, for the most part I have always done moderate exercise like walking or eliptical but not intense. I have been jogging lately which I have always hated but just wanted to try and run two miles just to say I could do it. Last night after running 2 miles I got quite a few palps while cooling down then they quit. It kind of freaked me out-like maybe I overdid it. I know I have kind of rambled on but I just wanted to see if others have had something similar. If I should stop trying to run and just keep it moderate? I have pretty serious anxitey and I don't want this to deter my working out.

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Re: Running and heart palpitations?

  • I have had these as well. My dr had me wear a holter monitor for 48 hours. Mine are 'normal' extra beats and not to worry. Have you done tis yet?? Also, If you want to start running more I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor and running with that if you are worried about it. They can be more $$ than you want to spend if you're not doing 10+ mi a week tho.
    Feb 2014
  • Thanks for the response! I did a 24 hour one and also had to do a 30 day one. All they picked up was extra beats. I probably wouldn't be running that much. I wanted something else to add to the walking/elliptical mix so would maybe run once or twice a week? Maybe the more I do it the less it will happen hopefully.
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  • I have these too. (Interestingly not while pregnant. Maybe not drinking is what is helping.) I wore a monitor for 24 hours and they found nothing abnormal. I'm also extremely active - I run and do Crossfit.
  • I have heart palps and an SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). I am on medication for it, but it is very difficult to run. I keep trying, but I have to go a lot slower than what others have to do. My advice would just be to listen to your body. Maybe start slower and work your way up. 
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