In response to the bouncer drama you had:
Over the weekend I asked my "dear" husband to help me bring items to the car to bring to the Salvation Army. The pile included an old style small tv, and a computer tower. He was like "what?!?! That is all heavy stuff you want me to carry!!" (he sounded like a four year old having a break down!!) GUESS WHO carried it HERSELF to the car. Finally he was like "what are you doing?!?!" and I said "Well you had a fit about it, so I am getting it done"
btw I told him if he doesn't help when the twins arrive, I am booking a hotel for the night and leaving him home alone until he figures it out.
Married my best friend, June 8, 2008
5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!
Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz
Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery
My popular blog posts:
Re: @tootsscott
RAHHHH!!!!!!! >:(
I would never let my H have an Xbox in the nursery- you are a good woman, @calicarly77!
Had to chime in and probably piss all of you off (I'll still like you all!) My hubby has been great. There are little things he "forgets" to do, but they are the easy things I am truly able to do so it isn't an issue. Yesterday I had the day off for dr. appts and decided in the afternoon to take all the screens off the windows upstairs and clean them (as well as the windows themselves) and he was sweet enough to put them back up for me as I thought I could do it but ended up struggling with a few. If there is anything on a top shelf he'll jump up to get it for me, our 15 yr old son is the same way. With him, I usually have to ask, but he's always offering to get me something if I'm sitting in my chair.
As for Thanksgiving, my hubby makes the best turkey and dressing, but we're scheduled for a C-section the day before, so no Thanksgiving for us this year. Instead, my hubby told me yesterday "The kid and I will eat turkey from the cafeteria on Thursday, but when you're home and up to it, we'll have our usual Thanksgiving celebration, I'll do everything!" Most years we divide up the cooking duties.
Did I mention my hubby is great?
Sorry if you all hate me now. (Honestly, like me he does have his faults, but through this pregnancy he's been amazingly helpful and attentive)
@calicarly77 and @amylou333 - I love that the three of us aren't Americans. Haha, ill wait to get flamed for that one! I noticed the other day when I typed 'favourite' with a 'u' and realised neither of you would correct me!
Yep, it's my hubs cousin who had the twins and we're twins, and we're having twins!! We all asked for this!! Haha, especially you @amylou333 with your twin crack!!
My dad is from England and we have lots of family over there still- infact my cousin from Berkshire who is a midwife is coming to stay for two weeks after the twins are born!