Pregnant after IF

SCH in early pregnancy?

FutureMrsW9FutureMrsW9 member
edited October 2013 in Pregnant after IF
Hi Everyone - I'm newly KU after FET earlier this month and super excited....until yesterday.  I hadn't had any spotting or anything, just some mild cramping here and there, then yesterday at work it was like the floodgates opened and there was bright red blood on the TP.  I went to the RE immediately and they saw a subchorionic bleed right above the gestational sac.  RE said not to worry about it, they see this quite often and the vast majority resolve on their own and cause no harm to the baby or pregnancy.  We did get to see the gestational sac with the little yolk sac bean in there, so that was definitely reassuring.  After that I really haven't bled anymore at all, just some flaky scab-like spotting, but I wouldn't hardly even call it that.  If I wasn't looking for it I might not even notice it's there.  I went home yesterday and just rested the entire afternoon, but I did have some AF-like cramping, which I have not had yet, and this was all after the initial bleed.  This morning I took a HPT for peace of mind, and my line was still there nice and strong.  Have any of you experienced this?  If so, how did things (or are things currently) progress for you?  Did you do (or not do) anything to help keep it at bay?  I've read that these can either resolve on their own, cause miscarriage or bleed on and off throughout pregnancy with no other complications - such a slew of different outcomes.  I'm only 5w2d now, so it's so early and I'm a nervous wreck now.  FX that this baby hangs in there and this is just a hiccup.  My nurse should be calling me soon with the bloodwork results from yesterday, so hopefully she'll give me some reassuring news.
Me 31 ~ DH 30
IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
<3 CJW 6/15/2014 <3
DX - PCOS 2004
FET #2 - scheduled for 11/24/15

Re: SCH in early pregnancy?

  • I didn't have a SCH but they are very common and mostly resolve themselves. Cramping is very normal and I get sharp pains that the OB also said is normal so try not to over think cramping but I did say TRY because its so hard to be calm. I hate first tri because its just a waiting game to see how things progress, ill keep you in my prayers that this resolves and doesn't affect that sticky baby!
  • I think there are quite a few of us who have dealt with an SCH. I had 3 of them and was put on bed rest between weeks 6-8. They got smaller and the baby got bigger, so I was cleared to return to work if I promised to keep it easy. I did have some bleeding, but brown and very minimal. Red bleeding is okay too, it's just newer blood. It's probably draining out. Mine took a while to come out (said my RE) because of where it was positioned behind the sac. That's why it was brown. They are smaller now but still there. 

    Blood is scary, so I completely empathize, but it's okay. Just try to take it easy and rest if you can. Good luck with everything and congrats on your pregnancy!
    DH & I: 29
    TTC #1 4/2009 -  DD 2/5/10
    TTC #2 since October 2011
    2IF issues
    7/2013 - IUI #1: 50 units Follistim +  Ovidrel  = BFN
    8/2013 - IUI #2: 50 units Follistim +  Ovidrel  = BFP! Beta #1 (12 dpiui) 8/21: 45  Beta #2 (16 dpiui) 8/26: 301 Beta #3 (21 dpiui) 8/30: 1,929. 1st Ultrasound 9/4 - One perfect sac. 2nd Ultrasound 9/13 - Heartbeat at 124 bpm! Anniversary  


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  • I had one a couple of weeks ago at 8.5 weeks and it was terrifying!  There was a lot of blood and I am still spotting brown.  I am taking it easy and resting as much as possible.  My RE and OB both said there isn't much to do, but let it resolve and hope for the best.  It is scary to see blood - no doubt about that!  Worst moment, but best turn out (so far) - I couldn't believe we had two strong heartbeats after a bleed like that!  What a miracle!  Hugs!

    Countless BFN(s)
    Moving to IVF

    IVF1 (ICSI): Long Lupron
    6R. 3F. 3DT. 8Cell 1Grade 2Embies. 1Frostie.
    Beta 1/22: 14 Beta 1/24: 24 Beta 1/26: 28
    Round One Result: Chemical Pregnancy

    Pressing Forward

    IVF2 (ICSI/AH/ACU): Microdose Lupron Flare
    13R. 11F. 5DT. 2TFR'ed. 1Frostie.
    Round Two Result 4/30: Harsh BFN

    FET. 2TFR'ed.
    Round Three Result 6/25: BFN
    Where do we go from here?

    Moving forward with CCRM in 2013
    ODWU revealed blocked tube(s). Lap 2/15.
    Bilateral Tubal Ligation. Stage IV Endo.
    Finally some (tough) answers.

    IVF3 (ICSI/CCS): Antagonist with EPP
    13R. We have 3 CCS Normal Embryos!

    Lupron Depot: May 2013 to August 2013
    Long awaited FET on 9/3. 2TFR'ed.
    BFP on FRER 5dp5dt: IN SHOCK!
    Beta1 9/10: 152.7! Beta2 9/12: 378! Beta3 9/14: 1224! 

    1st ultrasound 10/1: TWO beautiful heartbeats!  Overjoyed!

  • Not that these stories are "good" to heard, but it's reassuring that there are ladies out there who have experienced this and have perfectly healthy pregnancies! Hopefully it's just a dumb little hiccup :-)  My Progesterone is a little low now, so I have to up my PIO - but hopefully it'll be enough to get it back up. Was at 10 today/yesterday since they drew my blood around lunchtime yesterday...hopefully one doesn't have anything to do with the other.  I don't think so.
    Me 31 ~ DH 30
    IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
    <3 CJW 6/15/2014 <3
    DX - PCOS 2004
    FET #2 - scheduled for 11/24/15
  • i had an SCH also but a little later, at 11 weeks.  started spotting brown at 10 weeks, huge gushing of red blood at 11w3d that sent me to ER in a panic, and then spotting for 2 weeks after.  

    sorry that happened, it is terrifying but glad everything looks good!  take it easy and drink lots of fluids!
    Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); 
    Started TTC 2009 with RE after 6 months.  
    Clomid + Trigger x2; 
    IUI + Femara x1,
    IUI + Follistim x2;
    IVF #1 (MDL) February 2013- BFN.
    IVF #2 (antagonist) May 2013, First BFP of my life. 
    Identical twin miracle BOYS (!!) headed our way- due date is technically 2/4/14 but c section is scheduled for 1/7! 

    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • I had an extremely similar experience last week. I had a full bleed out of no where at 5w6d. Got into the RE and everything with baby was perfect and much like you they spotted a bleed. It was scary but the bleed did stop by the next day and I did have just minimal spotting for a few days.

    My RE had me go on bed rest for a week, probably overkill, but just to be on the safe side. I went back for another u/s on Tuesday and the spot they saw that was the source of the bleed was gone! And that u/s was at 7w exactly.

    I would keep hydrated, even overly so, and try to just take it a bit easy. I was SO thirsty last week, even though I wasn't actually doing anything. My RE admitted that there isn't much that they can do and there isn't a whole lot of evidence either way for or against bed rest. I personally don't think it was necessarily the magic cure, but who knows. Hang in there and I hope it resolves itself soon!
    Me: 37, DH: 35 :: TCC since 2/11 SA: Perfect! CD3  HSG = Blocked Right Tube
    April- Femara 2.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN   May- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN
    June- Femara 7.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN  August- Lap & Hysteroscopy = Blocked & Partially Blocked Tubes
    September- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN  October- 100mg Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
    IVF # 1: Stims 11/30 ER 12/12/12! (10R, 10M, 8F, 2T, 6 F) :: Beta #1- 176  c/p @ 4w4d
    FET #1 February 26th :: Lost 4 to Thaw, Transferred 2 = BFFN
    IVF # 2 Stims 5/10 ER 5/21 (15R, 13M, 13F, 2T, 7F- 6d3 & 1d5) :: Beta # 1- 15 c/p @ 4w
    FET #2 Cancelled, Right Tube Developed a Hydro  8/28 Hydro & Scar Tissue Removed  Cleared for FET
    FET #2.2 Scheduled for September 20th
    2 Thawed, 2 Transferred! Beta #1- 96, Beta #2 906! :: EDD June 10th
    2015- 2 failed FET. We are done
    SURPRISE! BFP 8/8/16   EDD 4/1/17

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  • I have been bleeding for 18 days. I am 6weeks. No one can tell me why I am bleeding, but I am still pregnant!
    Me:35,  DH: 39   
    TTC since March 2011. All bloodword, SA & HSG are normal.  
    8/12: Clomid & TI - BFN 
    10/12: Colmid & TI - BFN 
    3/13:  Clomid, Trigger & IUI - BFN 
    4/13: Gonal F, Trigger & IUI: BFN  
    6/13: IVF #1 (1AA blast & 1BB blast) = BFN 
    8/13: FET #1= BFN
    10/13: FET #2= BFP!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker  image
  • jezebel57twistsandturnsto2  Thanks for sharing!  Question for you both, maybe TMI, but how much "spotting" did you actually have.  I had a little yesterday and it was like black, I know it was old.  If I had been wearing dark undies I probably wouldn't even have known it was there.  This morning I've actually had a little more - not so much in my panty liner, but when I wipe there's a decent amount.  It is dark brown and looks old, but there's more today than there was yesterday.  I know they said not to worry as long as it's brownish, but seeing more today than yesterday obviously makes me a little nervous.  I've also never been much of a spotter when I get AF - it's like heavy flow and then gone - so the definition of spotting to me might not be the same as normal people haha.  I did take another HPT today that was super positive and I have nausea for the first time, so I'm taking these as good signs...but still nervous since it is so early.  Anyway, just curious....
    Me 31 ~ DH 30
    IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
    <3 CJW 6/15/2014 <3
    DX - PCOS 2004
    FET #2 - scheduled for 11/24/15
  • My spotting lasted for days and was brown for the most part. I used liners to monitor it, but it wasn't heavy or continuous but it did come and go. I also had some clots, small ones, with the spotting. And I did have one morning of red spotting but that was after a BM, so don't be alarmed if something similar happens.
    Me: 37, DH: 35 :: TCC since 2/11 SA: Perfect! CD3  HSG = Blocked Right Tube
    April- Femara 2.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN   May- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN
    June- Femara 7.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN  August- Lap & Hysteroscopy = Blocked & Partially Blocked Tubes
    September- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN  October- 100mg Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
    IVF # 1: Stims 11/30 ER 12/12/12! (10R, 10M, 8F, 2T, 6 F) :: Beta #1- 176  c/p @ 4w4d
    FET #1 February 26th :: Lost 4 to Thaw, Transferred 2 = BFFN
    IVF # 2 Stims 5/10 ER 5/21 (15R, 13M, 13F, 2T, 7F- 6d3 & 1d5) :: Beta # 1- 15 c/p @ 4w
    FET #2 Cancelled, Right Tube Developed a Hydro  8/28 Hydro & Scar Tissue Removed  Cleared for FET
    FET #2.2 Scheduled for September 20th
    2 Thawed, 2 Transferred! Beta #1- 96, Beta #2 906! :: EDD June 10th
    2015- 2 failed FET. We are done
    SURPRISE! BFP 8/8/16   EDD 4/1/17

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  • twistsandturnsto2 That sounds like how it was yesterday.  I'm wondering if maybe the larger amount of blood-like stuff was just from it stopping over was catching up.  I'm also using liners now so that I can keep track of it.  I THINK I had a small clot last was kinda stringy and glop-like.  But it was small and still dark brown in color.  I'm hoping this is all the stupid sch just coming out and it goes away!  I've heard that they can last throughout pregnancy, but I don't think mine was too big - it was actually hard to see on the screen.  I have a call in to my nurse because I was in public yesterday when she called so I couldn't ask all the questions I wanted to ask...hopefully I'll be able to get a little more info today.
    Me 31 ~ DH 30
    IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
    <3 CJW 6/15/2014 <3
    DX - PCOS 2004
    FET #2 - scheduled for 11/24/15
  • mine was dark brown and not very much, but i wore a pantyliner every day.  i will say that the gush of blood scarred me so much emotionally that 15 weeks later i am still wearing a full fledge pad every time i leave the house.  i'm terrified of it happening again.  yep, i'm certifiable. 
    Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); 
    Started TTC 2009 with RE after 6 months.  
    Clomid + Trigger x2; 
    IUI + Femara x1,
    IUI + Follistim x2;
    IVF #1 (MDL) February 2013- BFN.
    IVF #2 (antagonist) May 2013, First BFP of my life. 
    Identical twin miracle BOYS (!!) headed our way- due date is technically 2/4/14 but c section is scheduled for 1/7! 

    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • jezebel57 I can totally understand how it would mentally scar you throughout your pregnancy!  I feel like I drink extra water just so I have an excuse to go to the bathroom more to check and make sure there's no red blood or gushes!  I'm certifiable right there with you girl :P
    Me 31 ~ DH 30
    IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
    <3 CJW 6/15/2014 <3
    DX - PCOS 2004
    FET #2 - scheduled for 11/24/15
  • I had a SCH at about 7 weeks. I had 1 morning of bleeding abd was so upset. U/s showed SCH RE did not seem concerned. It was small but I def could see it on the screen during u/s. It disappeared in 1 week. I did have one more bleed though before it corrected itself.
    I am now 17w 3days and doing great. Hang in there take it easy and listen to your dr!!
    TTC since June 2011
    SA - Normal CD3 Bloodwork - Normal HSG- All clear!
    July 2012 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+TI = BFN
    August 2012 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
    September 2012 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
    October 4th LAP - Mild Endo - All Removed
    Treatment Break 3 cycles = BFN
    1st Treatment Cycle Post Lap --
    February 2013 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
    March 2013 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
    April 2013 Break Cycle ~~~ May 2013 Meet with RE discuss next steps
    July 2013 IVF ~ Stims start 6/28
ER 7/10 20R/14M/14F
    Day 3 - 10 Embryos
    ET 7/15 Transferred 1 Blast on day 5 - Froze 6
    7/24 Beta 1 150 7/26 Beta 2 313 7/30 Beta 3 1,084 Beta 4 3,000 Beta 5 8,120 1st U/S 8/8 image
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