
Won't keep his hat on

S/O Halloween costumes (and @MrsCodeMonkey, your child is adorable), DS is going to be a football for Halloween. My mom made this hat, but he won't keep it on for more than 5 seconds. Even with the earflaps, he pulls at it until he gets it off. (TWSS). I guess if I put it on and then distract him, he'll forget that he's wearing it or get used to it? Anyone else whose kids will not tolerate hats?

Re: Won't keep his hat on

  • MrsCodeMonkeyMrsCodeMonkey member
    edited October 2013
    My kid won't wear them either. She loves trying them on for a few seconds and then they get pulled right off. I think this winter I'll wear hats too in hopes she'll want to wear hers.

    Have you tried dressing up too?

    PS. Excellent use of TWSS
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  • Our costumes don't involve hats, but maybe I can get DH to wear a football helmet or something so that DS will feel like it's the cool thing to do. Good idea. Maybe I can wear hats more every day too, but they make my hair frizzy!
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