Parenting after 35


I love the new pics of your brood!

How are you, lady?

Re: GT

  • Doing great! Getting over being sick, and busy as hell. I must have been channelling you, I was bugging the crap out of the lady at the liquor store about the Granville Island Chocolate Stout.

    Guess who turned 3!!! Dang, there really aren't any more babies in my house. How're the boys doing?

  • 3 already? Damn!

    Boys are awesome. Went as Darth Vader and Batman for Halloween. The big guy's still stumbling with the PT'ing but is, mercifully, getting over his Terrible Threes. The little guy is so stinkin' cute and talkative and busy I could cry.

    They're both my buddies.

    And mmmmmm... Granville Island Lager. Yummy! Yummy yummy.

  • Loading the player...
  • LOve the costume choices. They are still out of Granville.....I gave the store clerk the what for.

    PTing is in full swing, we'll see if we can be in underwear by Christmas. Hold me!

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