Baby Names

NN ideas

We've decided on Layla Noelani if we have a girl but we're stumped on a nn. Any ideas?
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Re: NN ideas

  • Not all names need NNs and some NNs just come naturally with the child, not necessarily related to the given name.
  • Kmommy91Kmommy91 member
    edited October 2013
    Why would you need a nickname for Layla?

    My niece Layla has a nn Lulu
    "Bedo" - Apr. 16, '13

    #2 - EDD Nov.
    15, '14
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  • I don't think there really is a nickname for Layla.. it's short enough as is. Maybe Lala?
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  • Not all names need NNs and some NNs just come naturally with the child, not necessarily related to the given name.
    This. NN can be something unrelated to their actual name. For example, my cousin Lindsay is called Punks by her parents.... no idea why.
    ~Married 12.09.12~
    ~NTNP #1 since 11.14 - Current Cycle: 2~

  • Not all names need NNs and some NNs just come naturally with the child, not necessarily related to the given name.
    This. NN can be something unrelated to their actual name. For example, my cousin Lindsay is called Punks by her parents.... no idea why.


    I'm not sure why you would be on the hunt for a NN for a name that's only two syllables long and has no intuitive NNs. I would choose a name like Layla specifically because it doesn't have any NN options. Forcing a NN is really bizarre to me.

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  • I would also choose Layla because no NN is needed. I prefer to pick a beautiful full name and not use NN often. But who knows NN might develop that has nothing to do with her name.
    We tend to use terms of endearment more than NN. She's always Annabelle to everyone, but at home we use sweetie, cutie, princess, etc from time to time.
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