Baby Names

Learned something today

My professor was talking about a case study of a child named Kendall in class and she kept referring to the child as he. I chuckled in my head thinking "Kendall is a girl name" and my teacher just didn't know. Then I decided to look it up and turns out I'm the ignorant one! Apparently Kendall is masculine as well. I guess it makes sense (Ken) but people always talk about it being a girl name. I'm so lost gender wise lol
"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~

Re: Learned something today

  • I have two male Kendalls in my class this year.

    I did know a female Kendall when I was growing up (early nineties)
  • Yes, Kendall is masculine.
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  • I blame All My Children, one of the main characters on that show was a woman named Kendall. I also know a sibset Jackson (boy) Kendall (girl) named after a popular wine.
  • I blame All My Children, one of the main characters on that show was a woman named Kendall. I also know a sibset Jackson (boy) Kendall (girl) named after a popular wine.

    Isn't there a Kardashian (girl) named Kendall? That's probably giving it a spike for the girls, too.

    The name is NMS on either gender, though. I can't say it without thinking "Ken doll," like what my sisters and I used to call the male counterparts to our Barbies. They weren't Kens; they were Ken dolls.

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