
Anxiety disorder

I have suffered through anxiety disorder for about 12 years now. I took Zoloft for 7 years, and got off of it after my daughter was about a year. I was able to be off with no problems for 2 years. After the 2 chemical m/c's this year, I was back to have massive anxiety attacks everyday. I weaned myself off before starting Clomid because my dr said it wasn't safe (although I was on Zoloft with my daughter + bf'ing all the while at the same office & no one ever said a word to me that I shouldn't be taking it). The problem is that I was fine for a while, but I'm struggling again. I came home from the grocery store today & grabbed a paper bag to breathe into. I feel so trapped because I am suffering, but I can't take this crap while I'm pregnant. Anyone else in a similar sitch?
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"To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited" - Anne Buchanan

Re: Anxiety disorder

  • Speak to your internist and your ob. I don't have personal experience but I know that some meds are safer than others and often times, the risk of meds is worth the benefit of controlling the anxiety

    I'm sorry that you are going through this!

    D & L are here at 34 weeks 4 days by vaginal and breech delivery on 11/19/2013
    Two healthy boys weighing 4 lbs 15 ozs and 4 lbs 5 ozs.  Only 6 days in the NICU and getting bigger, stronger and cuter every day! 
  • I had to come off of my Effexor for my pregnancy... and between being pregnant with multiples and ending up with surgery, gestational diabetes, and pre-e, I about lost my mind for many months, there. What are your triggers? Does sharing your stress with other people help you at all? 

    I was on Zoloft with DD#2 - you may be able to return to a low dose if you need to. 

    (generalized anxiety disorder, safety/health/financial triggers)
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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

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  • yep, i stopped zoloft when going to the RE.  i heard it is safe to take a low dose during pregnancy but i feel more comfortable off it.  anxiety sucks.  i'm sorry.  :(  

    have you gone to a counselor?  i go and find that helps when i'm losing it. 
    Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); 
    Started TTC 2009 with RE after 6 months.  
    Clomid + Trigger x2; 
    IUI + Femara x1,
    IUI + Follistim x2;
    IVF #1 (MDL) February 2013- BFN.
    IVF #2 (antagonist) May 2013, First BFP of my life. 
    Identical twin miracle BOYS (!!) headed our way- due date is technically 2/4/14 but c section is scheduled for 1/7! 

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  • My ob actually put me on a low dose of zoloft about 12 weeks into my pregnancy due to issues and was told it is safe. I would talk to your ob as you can be on medications including zoloft if you feel you need it. I wish you the best.
  • Sending hugs your way.  I don't have the anxiety situation you do but I watch my husband deal with it at times.  On my side of this, I get severe migraines regularly and neither my Imitrex nor  Excedrin are safe while pregnant :(  They tried giving me hydrocodone with Tylenol, but it does nothing for me.  I'm trying the natural remedies again (thank you for the suggestion of peppermint in another thread <3 ) but nothing seems to work for me :(  Different problem, same hands tied feeling for not being able to take something that relieves the problem :(  ~hugs~

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  • I have suffered from depression most of my adult life. (never feelings of hurting myself or others, but feeling like "screw it, I'll leave and start over somewhere where no one knows me")  I was on Celexa but stopped when we started TTC.  I mentioned it to one doctor after having a particularly hard week and he prescribed Prozac, saying it's one of the safest for TTC or pregnant moms.  I tried taking it but for me it didn't work.  It kept me up at night, so I stopped.  I got a prescription for the Celexa again and will start taking that the same day the boys are born.  My suggestion would be to talk to your doctor, ask about Prozac or any other safe anxiety drugs.  It's better to take something than to totally lose it.  Provided there's minimal risk to the babies.


  • I also had to wean off zoloft when I got pregnant, but I was ready to, as my depression and anxiety was situational at the time.  The situation had finally resolved, so it worked out well.  However, if I really still needed to be on it, my psychiatrist would have kept me on it.  It's a balance between which is better for you and baby.  A mommy that doesn't take an anti-depressant and is having massive anxiety all the time, or one on an anti-depressent with far less anxiety.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • I took Zoloft during my pregnancy. I actually had to go up because of the added stress going on at my job. I don't regret it, I could barely function.
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