February 2013 Moms

Cold weather wear for baby?

Trying to decide what to do to keep baby warm when we are getting into the car or walking to/from the house or wherever we are.  Jackets won't work b/c they will interfere with the harness on the carseat.  Blankets wont work because my child is a wiggle worm.  She is still in her infant seat but probably wont tolerate that for much longer so the shower cap style cover that we had for her when she was a newborn won't work (plus I think she would probably hate it.)  Any other ideas?  We have been using lightweight hoodies for now but it was 30 degrees this morning so the cold months are obviously creeping up.  Maybe I should just move to Hawaii and then it woudn't be a concern, ha! 
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Re: Cold weather wear for baby?

  • Great question, I have been looking for the same for 5 years.  Quick google search and here are some options:

    www.carseatponcho.com or https://stores.hbarryboollc.com/-strse-ALL-PRODUCTS/Categories.bok

    Also found this on etsy:  https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/159413798/crochet-baby-snuggie-car-seat-blanket




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  • I just use long sleeve onesie and a little jacket or sweater. I agree with the hat and/or mittens. I cover mine up with a blanket in the mornings on the way to work. Mine is a wiggle worm too and I tuck it around her from neck down with her arms inside so she can't wiggle out of the blanket. She has a coat I just leave at daycare since they go outside and/or on walks. Mine is still in her infant car seat as well.
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  • Where I live, long sleeved indoor wear and mitts won't cut it. Neither will blankets. I am going to be over dramatic and say that we live in one of the most hostile winter regions. This sounds horrible, and probably a FFFC, but I plan on bundling the crap out of my kid. I already bought him a baby snow suit. Your only real option with super cold uninhabitable winters are either a large bunting, or putting on jackets only to take them off in a warm car. I doubt this will happen with us. Sadly, i think we will be like every other Winnipeger and just strap him in with his winter gear on.
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