For next baby (not pregnant yet) I'm thinking seriously about having a birth photographer.
I love some of the pics that a photographer can get. Even some of the graphic ones of baby being born, I think are beautiful (obviously I wouldn't be posting those ones on facebook) But I would love some of those pics of the first time Mum and Dad see baby, BF etc etc etc
My concern is that I know they always say a natural birth is easiest to achieve when Mum is most relaxed, and I wonder if an extra stranger in the room would make me uncomfortable even on just a subconcious level.
I know a good birth photographer will be as unobtrusive as possible, but I know you want to get them there early enough so as not to miss things.
I've had two straight forward natural births, DD2 was reasonably fast.
So my question is, have you had a birth photographer, did you feel like it impacted on your birth at all? is there anything else I should be considering.
Oh and in terms of people in the room:
DD1 I had DH and my MW in the room, until DD got a bit stuck and the OB came to check me out, but she said it was all fine and DD was born two pushes later.
DD2 was delivered by DH, but in theory my MW would have been there as well.
In NZ we don't have extra nurses, and doctors in the room unless the attending MW has a cause for concern and calls for back-up.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
Re: Anyone have or consider a birth photographer?
I have an acquaintance who is a birth photographer (I think she calls herself the DC Birth Photographer?) and she attends a lot of births. She says that she works hard to be unobtrusive and hang back so that the mother can remain comfortable and unbothered, and the fact that she has children herself might make it easier for her to sympathize with what women need. Maybe if you get someone who specializes in that kind of photography it would help to make it less uncomfortable?
No regrets!!
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy