so we finally registered for our LO's name on friday, a little over a month after birth. just FYI, it is such a hassle when u don't have a name ready for baby at the hospital. i knew this, but didn't realize how MUCH of a hassle. have to go to so many different offices, LO's birth certificate is two pages due to the amendment, gah~ not the most fun thing to do when u have a newborn, running around trying to take care of paperwork. =P
anyway, just wanted to forewarn my fellow bumpies! good luck with choosing a name!

Re: leaving hospital w/o name for baby = hassle!
It depends on your state law. My state requires a name be chosen before you leave. I was literally filling out paperwork as they were shoving us out the door because DH could not commit to a name! We wont be going through that ordeal again... I'm making him agree to something in advance this time!
We also didn't know the sex of our baby until birth. We tried to have a list of boy, girl, and unisex names ready but nothing was making the cut. We left the hospital without a name (in the system he was Boy Lee-Ortiz).
Anyway, his name is Essien, pronounced like saying the letters "S, E, N," and it is Efik (Nigerian) for "a child belongs to everyone." We had so much love and support throughout this journey, and it really does take a village to raise a child. Also, DH and I met playing soccer, and Essien is the last name of a famous Ghanian soccer player who is a really good guy.
Oh wow this became a really long explanation.
Congratulations on choosing a name! It has to be hard to find a name that works in two (assumedly) very different languages. I'm glad you were able to find something meaningful to you that was also accessible for your families!
But when DH and I referred to him to each other, we called him "the baby/him/he" for that week.
We are twins! Met DH playing soccer, Catahoulas...! LOL