
Heavy bleeding during first trimester in twin pregnancy

I've had a rough couple of days, and I am currently on bedrest after heavy bleeding.  Ultrasound showed a medium size blood clot but the sacs with the babies were still inside.  My doctors are taking a wait and see approach but I am really concerned.  Anyone out there have this happen and still deliver healthy babies?
Me: 35 DH: 35 - Married 10 years

Two failed rounds IUI in 2010
IVF #1 in 2011 - BFP 8/5/11 - Our IVF miracle was born 4/8/12
FET 9/23/13; BFP -Twins-10/3/13; EDD 6/10/14; MC 11/1/13; D&C 11/4/13
FET 3/28/14; BFN - 4/7/14
IVF #2 - Transfer 2 embryos 11/14/14; BFP 11/24/14 - Beta 265;
11/26/14 - Beta 612; 11/28/14 - Beta 1263; 12/1/14 - Beta 3571;
12/3/14 - first u/s - two gestational sacs; 12/17/14 - two healthy heartbeats (132 and 134)
Our IVF miracles were born 7/16/15


Re: Heavy bleeding during first trimester in twin pregnancy

  • I had bleeding (ranging from light to heavy) from week 11-15. My doctor never found the source but wasn't concerned because the babies looked great. I now have two healthy baby boys! Hang in there. It's terrifying but if your doctor isn't concerned try to relax. Easier said than done.
                         My fraternal twin boys. Born Sept 2013.
  • Yes! In my case baby b was not looking very well around 7 weeks and had no heartbeat. I was told it would probably expelled and to be prepared. About a week later I had very heavy bleeding and assumed that is what is was. Well, it turned out it was a blood clot which caused the heavy bleeding and b was there with a nice heartbeat! Blood clots aka subchrionic hemorrhage occur in many pregnancies and usually will resolve itself without any harm to the baby(ies). It is scary but hang in there and I hope it passes quickly and harmlessly.
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