Cloth Diapering

What surprised you the most when you started CDs?

If anyone ever asks me, I tell them not to buy a huge stash before they even get started. I ended up being very surprised at how much I like prefolds and covers! So soft, so absorbent, clean up so well, and so cheap! And I can fit them under jeans no problem. I have a bunch of pockets that I now save for DH and sitters because why bother? And I hate stuffing them. I'm actually building a small AIO stash for my sitter so I don't have to unstuff diapers that have been sitting in a wetbag all day. It makes me curious what surprised others with CDing?

Re: What surprised you the most when you started CDs?

  • How easy and adorable it is. When you say you cd, people look at you like you have a third head. But it's so much better than disposables.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
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    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
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  • How easy and addicting it is. We are transitioning to more OS pockets and I'm having a hard time stopping myself from snatching up a ton of them.
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  • How fun and easy it really is. I may not know everything there is about cloth diapers, but I've tried a little of everything. I've also troubleshooted a few things too. I've converted my sister and cousin to cloth. Infact, tonight I'm taking over each kind of diaper I have for a little CD 101.
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  • How addicting it is. How simple it is. How much I also like prefolds and covers. @afwifelife when they get bigger you just trifold in a cover. Even easier than snappi ing.
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  • That they work.

    seriously.  With all of the other benefits, I couldn't figure out why disposables were so popular.  So I figured they must leak all the time.  Cleaning a carseat out after a disposable blow-out fixed me of that idea and I haven't looked back.

    I was also surprised that prefolds/covers are the easiest to clean.  And trifolding is super easy.


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  • I was surprised at how much they didn't smell. I don't like the smell of disposables at all, dry or once they've been wet. I was amazed at how frequently I wouldn't even smell EBF poop at all in her cloth. Now that she's a toddler it's a bit more potent, sadly.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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  • How addicting they are. I never would have thought poop catchers would keep me up all night scouring for new prints, and cheap deals. I've toned down a lot now because I just can't justify it when I have so many I could probably go 5 days without washing if I wanted to. For out next baby though, oh man, I'll probably sell off some prints and buy some new ones just for the heck of it.
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  • My husband changed them. Hahahaha.

    I wanted to love prefolds, but they didn't work out at all, since our boy is slim but pees a ton. The diapers were ridiculous on him!
    Chad and Fawn

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  • I was surprised that my husband loves them too.  He admitted to his parents that he finds our prefolds easier than sposies.  Yipeeeee!!!
  • Disposable diapers reek! His pee is super strong smelling! Yuck!
    Chad and Fawn

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  • I was surprised at how much they didn't smell. .
    This.  I hadn't realized how much my disposables smelled until we switched.  Now sposies make me gag--wet or dry.
    Yes! I never understood why everyone says that babies smell so good.  I was pretty sure I was broken because I've always thought that babies smell kind of gross, LOL.  Now I realize it's not the babies, it's the disposable diapers that I don't like the smell of.
  • Also I was surprised at how addicting it is.  We did it to save money and I was like, "I can't believe those suckers who buy more than they need.  That's so silly. I'm way too frugal to waste money like that." Boy was I wrong!

    I keep telling myself I can sell them off when I'm done diapering LOs.

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  • Also, how amazingly well they hold in even the nastiest of poopy diapers. *off to spray down proof of said type of diaper*
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  • I'm with a bunch of you- I love prefolds and covers!! And so does DH! I thought I'd be all aboit AIOs. Also I feel SO satisfied when my son decides to poop the second I finish changing him, as he did an hour ago. I just think "Ha! I would be pissed if this was a sposie. Instead, into the diaper pail it goes!" Cloth is the best :)
  • There's no "it's just slightly damp, can I get away with calling it dry?" debate in CD -- who cares how wet the diaper is when changed since it's not a waste of a diaper to change a slightly wet CD.

    The thing that surprised me was how hard disposables are to put on after putting on CD.  The disposables are just too fragile for dh -- he needs the sturdiness of the CD.  (the tabs on the disposables keep tearing off when dh tries them).

    Others talk about the smell or the feel of the disposables; but I hate the papery sound of them.


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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
  • The addiction. And how so damn cute they are. And, that my husband loves them :)
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  • Mandmeesh said:
    The addiction. And how so damn cute they are. And, that my husband loves them :)
    This exactly!


  • Honestly, how much I have spent is the biggest surprise.
    Married 6/18/11
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  • Not a surprise- how much I still need to learn.

    Surprise- how proud I am to be CD-ing. I really feel like im making a difference. :)
  • How much cding has made me more environmentally conscious. I love it!! We aren't at a Zero waste house, but we are making better decisions all the time.
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  • How much cding has made me more environmentally conscious. I love it!! We aren't at a Zero waste house, but we are making better decisions all the time.
    I've noticed this about our house too.  It's like CDs were a gateway to an entirely different environmentally conscious lifestyle

    That's true - I have us using cloth towels and napkins more than previously -- thanks to the ladies who talk about unpaper towels.  I was joking with dh that there are 3 kinds of people that use cloth napkins -- 1. those that use them for formal meals, 2. those that find paper napkins a luxury item they can't afford, and 3. those that don't want all the garbage.  Dh asked which we were and I told him to figure it out.

    Trying to decide what other reusable items we can get/make to use instead of disposable alternative - in process of making me some mama cloths but haven't had need for them yet.

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
  • TJ1979 said:

    How easy and adorable it is. When you say you cd, people look at you like you have a third head. But it's so much better than disposables.


    And also, we use BG and I love the big diaper booty :)
  • What surprised me most was that spit up stains worse than poop. Also that I like pocket diapers. I couldn't understand what the point was till I used one. I always thought prefolds and covers was the way to go. and I still love them, but I like pockets when doing quick changes when we are out.
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  • @gidget584 are you a SAHM? I work so it doesn't seem too bad because I try to start it in the am so it washes while I'm at work, then I rinse when I get home and toss in the dryer. / dry over night.

    We hardly did laundry during the week, so it doesn't change our other laundry schedule much.
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