February 2013 Moms

Trick or Treat?

I'm excited to dress my LO up for Halloween, even though we aren't going door to door. We will be stopping by family & close friends houses. What are you doing with your LO on Halloween?
Mr & Mrs Larry Conklin Jr. Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Re: Trick or Treat?

  • We're dressing DD up in her monkey costume and visiting the grandparents. I wanted to go door-to-door just to show her off in her cute costume, but DH thought it would be obnoxious since she obviously isn't eating the candy :)
    PCOS with long, irregular cycles
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  • I have to work an evening shift at the library on Halloween. :((

    DH is dressing up at Batman and DD is going to be Robin and I think they're just hanging out at home to hand out candy to trick or treaters.

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  • DD is going to be a penguin! We kind of have this Batman theme going with a few of our friends, so technically, she's going to be The Penguin, but the costume is just an adorable baby penguin. We're going to get her decked out and take a quick stroll around the neighborhood with our friends and their kiddos. Then we're going to put on our costumes and go to DH's work party. I'm bummed we won't be home to hand out candy, but it should be fun!
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  • kleigh926 said:
    We're dressing DD up in her monkey costume and visiting the grandparents. I wanted to go door-to-door just to show her off in her cute costume, but DH thought it would be obnoxious since she obviously isn't eating the candy :)
    We are just going to walk around the neighborhood, so some of the neighbors can see DD in her costume and we will get to see some of the other kid's costumes. Or you could just take her to some of the neighbors that you know well and just tell them no thanks on the candy. That way you still get the ToT experience. :-)
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  • DS is being Stitch from Lilo and Stitch with DH and I dressing up as Hawaiian tourists. We'll go ToTing at a few neighbors houses whom we know will want to see his costume. He has an early bedtime too so we'll go out earlier - around 4:30-5, which is the same time we usually take a walk to wind down from the day.


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  • We are going trick or treating. Dd loved it last year and is already talking about it all the time. DS will probably hate it. He goes to sleep kind of early.
  • DD is going to be a little lady bug. We are just going to hand out candy!

  • The boys will be coming out with us for Halloween with the girls while they ToT - but our girls aren't the kinds of kids who want to stay out all night, either. An hour, two at the most, is about all they do. 
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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
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    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

  • Tot here is really early and very sad because most people are still at work. They want kids to go out and be back before 4! It's so dumb. And like DC, my kids are afraid of most of the costumes. Walking past the costumes in the store is even traumatic!

    Besides, it's usually freezing or snowing and not fun anyway.
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    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

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  • i don't even know! i want him to have a costume though because, come on..babies and costumes are the best ever.
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  • My neighbour is having a party for kids since her LO is 7 months. I'm super excited for my strawberry!
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  • @bar italia, you can dress your LO up and go to grandparents and friends houses. 
    Mr & Mrs Larry Conklin Jr. Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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