March 2013 Moms

It's time to get real (weight loss rant)

Is anyone else out there also 7 mo. in and NOT dropping the weight? Here's the thing: I've figured out by now that the whole "oh BFing will just make the pounds fly off" is a crock, and I know I need to do a better job of making time to work out (some of it is trying to negotiate that with DH, some of it is working mom guilt from leaving DS all day and THEN leaving him some more to go work out, some of it is not wanting to pay for babysitters--yadda, yadda, yadda). What I need to know is this: what are you ladies doing diet-wise, or what do you recommend, for BFing. I am on WW, and am NOT finding it helpful. I think I'm actually the kind of person who needs more strict limits, and the flexibility of WW360 does me no good because the whole thing is that nothing is technically off-limits, if that makes sense. I was also not in super great shape BEFORE having my LO, so it's not like I was already really great about any of these things anyway. 
Slap me upside the head with some knowledge, ya'll. TIA!

Re: It's time to get real (weight loss rant)

  • I also struggle with making time to work out. I try to take a 10 min stretch break at work every 1-2 hours to do some squats and other quick exercises I learned from a couple sessions with a personal trainer. I figure something small is better than nothing and it's not taking time away from my son in the evening. I also learned a number of exercises using a fit ball to do at home because I really hate going to the gym.

    Since starting bf I am hungry all the time so snacks are very important, I basically spend my day thinking about what I'm eating next :) I try to make my lunch/snacks for work the night before. I always have oatmeal or cold cereal for breakfast. I added at least one veggie (usually just a cup of frozen mixed veg) to lunch and dinner. I try to have healthy snacks (yogurt, fruit, nuts, granola bars) with me at all times, I find it's easier to make better food choices later in the evening if I've had enough to eat during the day. I definitely need rules like no soda at all, if I have even one then it's all downhill and suddenly I'm drinking 5 a day. And I try not to let DH's eating habits rub off on me, just because he is eating chips or having second helpings doesn't mean I need to do it too. Hope this helps!

  • Can't help because I'm in the same boat! Although I'm a sahm, I find that I have zero time to work out. I was going to Zumba for awhile but then we hit the 4 month sleep regression and now teething hell. My DH is working away from home during the week so I can't even get the time for a night workout either. I gained a ton of weight and although I didn't expect it to fly off, I certainly was hoping to be able to lose it. I make good food choices and my daughter has MSPI so I'm not eating anything processed really.....and still I'm stuck.
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  • I guess some women find those last few pounds fly off after weaning. I guess holding onto them is the body's way to make sure it'll be able to provide for LO just in case. I gained 50 during pregnancy, lost 35 without trying. But the last bit is sticking around. But, I haven't really tried either.
  • so, I essentially went Paleo for about 3 months (no grains, no dairy, fruits/veggies/nut butters/healthy fats/meat only) and dropped a bunch of weight. I exercise fairly intensely so I had to add back in some rice and oatmeal, but I got to my pre pregnancy weight doing Paleo-type eating.  I also eat throughout the day (which is much easier as a SAHM than a working mom, so i'm not sure how your work is structured) so that helps me not be hungry. I also lived by the rule to stop eating when I stopped feeling hungry, not when I was full.

    As far as working out, I get it. It's hard, even as a SAHM.  I get up at 4:30 every day to workout from 5-6, so that by the time my daughter is awake i'm home. and my husband doesn't really need to DO much except if she randomly gets up before 6 (hasn't done that for like 4 months).  If you can't find one hour, why don't you set as 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening? For one section of the 30 minutes, do some sort of cardio/ find a video, go on a jog, go on a bike, etc. Whatever! You can even run with a jogging stroller or strap your kid onto you and do a brisk walk.  

    For the other 30 minutes, do some sort of strength training/circuit training.   Dips, push ups, squats, lunges. Both will get your heart up and if you build muscle you were burn more calories through out the day. You can even do this WITH your baby-do lunges and squats with him strapped to you, do sit ups and russian twists holding him, hold a plank above him....any of those things.  I would do it 2-3x during the week and both weekend days.
    BabyFetus Ticker Little Riley-our first little girl coming March 1st, 2013 (or sometime around there;)
  • Thanks, everyone. I hadn't really thought of doing workouts with LO and that is a great idea. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles. Honestly, it seems like there are some hot buff moms over on the exercise board that are doing 5k training right and left, while I am still huffing and puffing just walking my dog with the baby carrier on! I just wish I hadn't let the fitness thing slide the last few years. It's so much harder to restart that routine post-baby. You live you learn!
  • Before I got pregnant I was doing Insanity and Chalean Extreme at home.  This is also my plan to do after the baby is born.  Insanity just came out with T25.  It's 25 mins a day of HITT.  You could look into that. 
  • I am BF and have been worried about working out too much - afraid it might affect my supply.  Well, last week I decided I needed to get over that and start doing some sort of working out.  I found a DVD online that is Pilates with Baby.  It's 25 minutes and it a great way for you to get a workout and baby has fun too.  The DVD is "Jennifer Gianni's Fusion Pilates - Exercise with Baby."  I know it is going to have some good results because my abs and arms were really sore after 1 week of doing the DVD (2x/week).


      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • steph9039steph9039 member
    edited November 2013
  • I'm still trying to lose my weight as well.  I really want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight soon because i'm going to be a matron of honor at my best friend's wedding next June.  Plus we want to TTC next Summer and i want to be at my regular size before i add weight from the 2nd pregnancy.  Good Luck Ladies!
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