DS will be a dragon. We're taking him to my parents' and will take him trick or treating on their street for my old neighbours to see him. Also, I call dibs on any candy he may get.
DS is being Stitch from Lilo and Stitch and DH and I are being Hawaiian tourists. We're taking him trick-or-treating to a few neighbors who we know would love to see him in costume...plus then we get the candy!!! :P
I fear that DS2 is going to be DS1's hand me down costume for at least this year and next! So this year he is going to be Darth Vader. DS1 still hasn't decided.......
Our boys are being lumberjacks. I decided it was easier to crochet beanies with beards and throw them in plaid than it was to make the other costumes we had in mind. Just too much work with all the things I need to get ready for my girls, too.
*Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012 Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
My DD will be both a pirate and a ladybug! Side note, any ideas on how to make Halloween special for DH (it's his birthday!) using DD? He loves this LO to the ends of the earth but other than dressing her up adorably, I can't think of anything birthday-ish!
DH never really pictured himself having kids, but for some reason when he did, he always pictured dressing his first one up as a bumble bee. So wouldn't you know, Wal-Mart had an infant bumble bee costume for $14.88. Sold.
Apparently a popular choice on here runt is helping me pass out candy at great grandma's as a lady bug. I called my mom lady and she called me little lady growing up. My SO's mom called him bug. Thus we call her ladybug and the costume choice
@Rynleigh - I bow down to you. I only have one and am still trying to decide on what I'll dress her up as. I'll probably end up doing nothing because it's too much work ">
@Rynleigh - I bow down to you. I only have one and am still trying to decide on what I'll dress her up as. I'll probably end up doing nothing because it's too much work ">
Halloween is huge in our house, but going from two kids to four made a big impact on my prep. I still have to finish weaving a wig for my 11yr old (she's being her own custom-made My Little Pony) and finish crocheting Jamie's beanie, but beards are done, Simon's beanie is done, and my 6yr old found a clearance "lovebug" (black and pink ladybug with heart spots) that she had to have, and at $7 and saving me the time of making something else, I couldn't say no LOL
*Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012 Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
Re: Halloween!
I fear that DS2 is going to be DS1's hand me down costume for at least this year and next! So this year he is going to be Darth Vader. DS1 still hasn't decided.......
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
Kieran is being Batman. If my husband has his way every year he will be a comic book character. That's what I get for marrying a comic book junkie
DS born: February 2013
TTC #2: Nov. 14
Chemical pregnancy 09/16/15
BFP: 12/25/15 EDD: 09/04/16
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
DS1 is being Super Why
DS2 is either being a mouse or a jack-o-lantern. Whichever fits better.