Baby Names

Now critique my names, please! :)

For a girl:
1. Aurelia. Is it too hard to pronounce/spell? I really like it though.
2. Maya. Same as above.
3. Juliet. Would people always mishear it and call her Julia? Would they shorten in to Julie?
4. Violet. Too silly/flowery?
Thanks in advance!

Re: Now critique my names, please! :)

  • I love Juliet. It would have been DS's name had he been a girl. I'm also fond of violet. I think it's pretty. While I like Aurelia, it is a bit of a mouthful for me. Maya to me is no where as difficult, but I prefer your other names to it.

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    D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013

  • Love Juliet (it was on my list), I also like Maya. That first name though I don't know where to start on pronouncing so dislike sorry.
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  • Aurelia: Pretty but a bit of a mouthful.  How about Aurora?

    Maya: Nice name, but be prepared for a lot of people calling her Mia.

    Juliet: Nice.  A bit 80s to me.

    Violet: Lovely! That's my vote.

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  • In order I like 1) Violet 2) Juliet 3) Maya.  The one one I don't like is Aurelia.  Not even sure how to pronouce it and I would never spell it correctly.  I don't think you can go wrong with the first three though.  Violet is definitely not silly, I think most people will correctly say and spell Juliet, not Julia and Maya is a very simple name to pronounce.
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  • spratt3 said:
    For a girl: 1. Aurelia. Is it too hard to pronounce/spell? I really like it though.  It's OK.  i think you might have some pronunciation issues.  Do you like Aria?
     2. Maya. Same as above. Love Maya.  I don't think there will be issues.  You are saying it like Maya Angelou, right?
    3. Juliet. Would people always mishear it and call her Julia? Would they shorten in to Julie? I don't think so.
    4. Violet. Too silly/flowery? My fave of your choices.  It's lovely.
    Thanks in advance!


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • Not a fan of Maya- I don't get the appeal of Mia/Maya... I like Juliet the most, Aurelia is pretty but I would be concerned about mispronunciation and constant correcting. Violet is a consonant away from Violent which makes it sound harsh to me.
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  • spratt3 said:
    For a girl: 1. Aurelia. Is it too hard to pronounce/spell? I really like it though. Not to me
    2. Maya. Same as above. Even less so
    3. Juliet. Would people always mishear it and call her Julia? Would they shorten in to Julie? No and no IMO
    4. Violet. Too silly/flowery? Too old

  • Aurelia- nms, reminds me of areola. Too hard to spell and say
    Maya- really like, this spelling shouldn't be confusing for pronunciation
    Juliet- really nice, I doubt anyone will mishear, no need to worry much about nn
    Violet- cute, not silly at all. I think purple before flower.
  • I love Juliet.

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  • 1. Aurelia. Is it too hard to pronounce/spell? I really like it though.

    IMO, yes, I find it awkward to say

    2. Maya. Same as above.

    No, not same as above, easy to spell and say IMO. NMS, but a solid name choice

    3. Juliet. Would people always mishear it and call her Julia? Would they shorten in to Julie?

    I like Juliet. I don't think you'd regularly have these challenges if your clear you want Juliet, no NN. I think it's a great choice

    4. Violet. Too silly/flowery?

    IMO, yes, flower names are NMS for this reason

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  • Juliet is my first choice, since it's my name and I like it. Yes, it does get misheard as Julia sometimes if I don't emphasize the last syllable, but NBD. I don't often get called Julie outside my family. I love Violet and Aurelia too. Maya is just fine but I don't love it as much as your other choices. Great list!
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • Juliet is my name too and people to tend to say Julia or Julie sometimes. My friends call me Jules.
  • So first off, they're all great names and you're way overthinking the "difficulties" with them. I mean, if you're going to look that hard for problems, you'll never find a name. My favorite is Violet, but they're all nice. The most "challenging" of them is Aurelia, but having a child with an unusual name, I don't think you'll have many problems with it. I think the pronunciation is pretty intuitive, and when you introduce her, just speak clearly (and just a teeeeensy bit slow; it avoids being asked to repeat it).
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  • odd man out here...I love Aurelia. Its different but not weird. I don't think its difficult to say at all. Isn't it a character in Love Actually? (love that movie!)
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  • I like Violet by far the best.  I don't see it as silly at all but strong and pretty.  I like Maya a lot but Juliet has never really appealed to me and feels a bit dated.     I can definitely see pron. difficulties with Aurelia.
  • Juliet is my favorite. 

    I too think of Love Actually with Aurelia. And while i love the movie, I do not like the name. 

    Violet & Maya are too popular for me. 
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  • I love all of your names except for Maya. I've never gotten the appeal of all the Maya/Mya/Mia/etc names.

    The other three are great, I think my favorite is Violet. 
    image image
  • 1. Aurelia
    You might have spelling issues, and probably pronunciation issues.

    2. Maya
    NMS, but I don't think you'll have pronunciation issues.

    3. Juliet
    Like, I don't think most people will shorten it, you might have some who mis-hear, but it wouldn't be enough to convince me to not use it.

    4. Violet
    I like it.

    Juliet and Aurelia are my favorites. 
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  • They are all great. I like Aurelia, but I do agree it is more challenging to say and spell. My favorite would probably be Violet.


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  • Thank you! I appreciate everyone's thoughts!
  • Before I met an Aurelia, I would have said it was too difficult to pronounce (I blame my mother who cannot pronounce Aurora either).  However, the one older lady that I know by that name has made the name easy to pronounce and beautiful to boot.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

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