Natural Birth


I am 37 weeks tomorrow and the baby has been breech since at least week 29.  I have tried a ton of different methods to get him to flip- chiropractic Webster's method, tons of different exercises, laid upside down on an ironing board, earphones on my lower belly, cold high, heat low, etc. One of the midwives at my birthing center is usually very successful in getting the babies to turn, but yesterday she tried hard and he is just not moving. I have an anterior placenta that could possible be in his way. Tomorrow I'm going in for an acupuncture "moxibustion" session. I have a consultation for an external version with a doctor I have never met in a hospital next Tues. I'm not sure what my question is exactly... I guess I'm just really disappointed that the likelihood of not having the birth experience I had hoped for (FTM, btw) and looking for others who may have been in this situation and have any advice or insight to offer. 

Re: Breech

  • I know it's getting down to the wire, but there is still time!  It is harder, but babies can still flip even at the end.  

    I agree with pp about perhaps finding out if there is someone who will do a breech delivery if you are at all interested in it.  
  • Thanks, ladies :) There is not a single provider in my area will do a breech delivery. One of the midwives is German who said they would do them all the time in Germany, but her hands are tied here. She said in 15 years of being at this birthing center, there has only been one couple that actually found a doctor to deliver breech, but had to drive 4 hours away. I'm just not comfortable with that. I'm not giving up yet that he will still flip, but I know that I need to start trying to accept the fact that I may have a C-section delivery in a hospital with a doctor that I just met. It sucks and is definitely depressing, but I have to try and remember that as long as the baby is doing well and is healthy, that's all that matters. Not to mention that the external version does not sound fun... But it will be worth it if it is successful!
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  • Sending good vibes your way! I hope your baby flips and your birth can happen how you wished, but you're right to remind yourself that a healthy baby is the most important thing. Good luck :)

  • I am sending positive vibes your way!  Although it is harder, it is not to late for LO to turn.  One of the couples in my Bradley class had a LO that was breech until about 36-37 weeks.  This was their second and the mom was stressed about a possible C/S. One night she had horrible cramping and back aches.  She thought she was going into labor.  After several hours she went to bed to rest and when she woke up things had fizzled out.  At the next appointment with her MW LO was heads down.  She was shocked and is convinced she turned that night she was cramping.  FX that your LO will turn and/or the external version works.
  • I just found out that my baby is breech too.  I am scheduled for a version on Monday and this afternoon have my first appt with a chiropractor who specializes in Webster to see if that will help.  I have also done a few inversions since I found out too.  UGH.  I know how you feel!  This is my second baby and I just never wanted a c section.  It is hard to come to terms with...
  • Sounds like you're doing everything possible. I hope he surprises everyone and flips for you before you need to have a c-section.

    @brea311, have you looked into breech deliveries? As a STM, you're a better candidate for it (assuming you delivered vaginally the first time). I didn't find out DD was breech until my MW checked me and I was 7cm, but the on-call OB was trained in breech births and I was a good candidate. It was really a straightforward birth and I am SO glad we opted for it over a c-section.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    #3 Due April 2016
  • I hope LO turns soon!

    That being said, you have to do what is right for you. When pregnant with A., she flipped to breech for a few days once toward the end. When it happened, I asked my MW what she does if baby is breech. She gave me a look that clearly said she thought it was a dumb question and replied "that's well within the range of normal births. You have the baby."

    No one can force you to do a c-section, even if baby is breech (and doctor isn't very experienced at it). You are the one who has to weigh all the risks/benefits of each possibility.

    FWIW, my sister was breech and my mom delivered her vaginally. 

    Keep doing what you are doing to encourage LO to turn. The only other suggestion I have is to make sure to sit on hard surfaces like the floor or kitchen chairs and not sofas etc...On soft surfaces like sofas you are more likely to recline backwards. This theoretically could be encouraging baby to stay breech. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would feel nervous delivering a baby breech with an OB who has no experience or training with breech births. That being said, I would feel much more comfortable if I knew going into delivery that the baby was frank breech (bum first).
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had a late flipper too, so don't give up hope! She flipped between weeks 36 and 37 and my water broke at 37 weeks 3 days.
  • Thinking of you and hoping your procedure goes well!  I went yesterday and before they did the procedure the sono showed baby had flipped on her own.  I dont know if it was the chiropractor, down dog, inversions, or frozen peas that did the trick...or if it was just luck...but I was so happy to know she had righted herself!  Hopefully you have a successful procedure, or dont have to go through it at all too!
  • I have no experience as a FTM myself here. I went to an apt today and the baby was also in breech at 27 weeks...but that's still time. For you as well, I've heard great stories. Good luck! Let us know how it goes. I really hope all goes well for you!!




  • There is still time for LO to flip, hopefully he/she does.

    If LO doesn't flip, look into "family-centered cesarean" and "gentle cesarean". A lot of OBs and hospitals are recognizing the importance and benefit of immediate skin-to-skin and breastfeeding as soon as possible. Tell the OB and the nurses that you want skin-to-skin in the OR and that you want to breastfeed in the OR/asap. Voice this opinion/desire now, as well as in the hospital and the OR. Make sure your support person is also aware of this and will advocate for you.

    MMC 01/26/12 

    MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13

    BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!

    <3Madeline Lorraine H. <3 Born 11/12/13 @9:10pm, 7lb6oz

    DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia
    MC @ 13wks 01/15/15 

    DX Septate Uterus - surgery recommended

    BFP 3/18/16, EDD 11/13/16 It's a boy!
    <3 Clint Kiszonas H. <3 Born 11/21/16 @10:38pm, 9lb11oz

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