I have had a good week of good and fun news after a scary month!
Situation #1: The results came back about Chloe's bilateral hydronephrosis. We had to do a VCUG and a Mag3 Renal Scan a couple weeks ago. She does not have urinary reflux OR a blockage, so it is just something that will correct itself over the next couple years. (90% chance...I'm going to go with the positive). She is no longer at risk for repeat UTIs, kidney infections, pain and she no longer needs daily antibiotics or surgery.
Situation #2: Not sure if any of you saw the news about the tuberculosis scare at the NICU in our hospital here in Vegas. I know it was on CNN and some national news outlets. A mother gave birth to very premature twins. The first twin died after 3 weeks, the mother was transferred to California and died a few weeks later. At her autopsy, they discovered she had undiagnosed TB. Her other twin was still in the NICU and ended up passing a few weeks after that. It was a terrible story. My twins were in the NICU at the same time as the unquarantined baby and we were contacted by the health department to test our whole family. Their skin tests came back negative and their xrays came back normal (a little congestion for Vivian, but no TB). My doctor told me the health department is trying to recommend treatment even for negative results to be safe but she felt it wasn't necessary and I am going to try to avoid it at all costs. It is a 6 month course of treatment on drugs that can cause liver issues, seizures, central nervous issues, etc. The CDC website says children under 2 shouldn't even be on that course of treatment, according to my own research. Our local health department claims the tests could be wrong because they are so young, but I would rather not subject my babies to 9 months of injections of a strong drug unless they do show latent TB. We have follow up tests in 6 months also to make sure the TB hasn't shown up, but I am so happy that the tests showed they did not contract it.
Situation #3: Fun news!! I sent away for DNA tests on my twins who I was told were fraternal and it ends up they ARE identical!! My OB said it wasn't possible for di/di to be identical, but YOU GUYS and my MFM said there was a slight chance. I knew it!! It's so exciting to find out! I think they are mirror twins because one has a birthmark on her right eye and the other on her left eye.
And here is a picture for getting through all that:)
Layla 01.08.12
Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13
My Gang. Halloween 2013
Re: Happy updates!
Just so you know, birthmarks aren't genetic. And if they were di/di IDs, they split too early to be mirror (which is the result of a later split, IIRC.)
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Thanks everyone!! Sorry for the late replies. We went to Palm Springs for our anniversary for a few days and it was a great success! The twins didn't cry for the 4 hour ride there OR back. Unbelievable. They love to travel like mom!
@pea-kay I didn't know that, thank you!!
@hgrosch My doctor relayed that information to me about hearing the health department was going to recommend treatment, but she preferred not to, and also they still haven't contacted me to tell me that, so maybe it was for a specific group that was exposed. So hopefully, it doesn't even actually apply to us!
Layla 01.08.12
Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13
My Gang. Halloween 2013