Hi again! So the U/S today showed that the placenta previa has resolved! It went from complete previa to well above where it needed to be and everything looked great with baby girl. It was amazing for her future Mom to be there and hear her heart beat and see her wiggle for the first time. I know she was terrified because her U/S experiences were always bad, but this seemed to ease her mind even more. She says she still can't believe this is really happening after all the let-downs she's had. So for those of you waiting, I'm really sorry if my posts are painful to you but I want to also provide encouragement for a miracle after all the hurt.
I am so excited to continue planning my natural delivery the way that my body tells me to do it. I am thankful for modern medicine, but the thought of bed rest and blood transfusions and a c section was not settling well.
ALSO- I asked you all for advice about a name for baby girl and you all were such a help. While I was talking to the AMom after the appointment, I told her how I was feeling about needing an identity for baby girl but that I didn't want to pressure them. She doesn't want it set in stone until they meet her, but shared the name they've been stuck on and was glad that I shared. The name is Adia (ah DEE uh), which means gift. I LOVE it, and think it's so sweet that they love it partly because it reminds them of Aria and they hope she gets my musical ability.
Adoption isn't all rainbows and butterflies, but there are days and times like these that show why we on both sides go through the pain and heartache.
Have you heard of hypno babies? If your aiming for the natural route I highly recommend it. I laughed at some of it at first but I used some of the techniques and tips during labor and they REALLY helped.
Happy for you that the name conversation went so well. Great name!
Started TTC July 2012. Missed m/c & d&c 9/12 11w. Natural m/c 1/13 6w. Chemical pgs 3/13 & 8/13 around 4w. Currently TTA while saving for adoption.
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” -Helen Keller
Her name is beautiful!
5 Angels