I have newborn boy/girl twins. We've been using prefolds & covers, nb bg aio, and a few Charlie's banana pockets for the new born stage. I prepped my one size stash which consists of a majority of bg 4.0, bg elementals, bg freetimes, and some alva pockets, sunbaby pockets, and a few justsimplybaby pockets. I thought I purchased 48 diapers, but realized that I have less and need to beef up my stash before I'm needing to use them, we have 37 diapers, plus 6 larger size prefolds with 7 or so covers that are one size.. oh, and 6 flats as well.
So, my question is: since I haven't used either the one size bg and don't have any experience with alva diapers, what is your experience with both? Should I spend more and get more bg diapers or spend less and get alva diapers?
I appreciate your help!!
Re: bumgenius vs alva baby
Any reason why you only want BG or Alvas?
I haven't tried Alvas so I can't comment on how they compare, but wanted to say if it were me I might add something like BG Flips or Best Bottoms. It's really nice to have an AI2 system to use for the diaper bag. That way you just bring a couple covers and a handful of inserts instead of a bunch of diapers.
nope, no real reason. of course my friends are using either bg or alva. so i'm getting lots of opinions on those two. also the cost of each diaper are significanty different. you can buy a bg anywhere from about 14-24 and an alva for about 4andchange - 7ish.
I don't know anything about the best bottoms. I've considered kawaii, and I mentioned I do have a few others.. but I guess my real question should be, are the expensive diapers the ones I should invest more in, or do the cheaper diapers work just as well.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Also, my understanding is you don't need double the amount of diapers for twins. You won't be able to wash 48 diapers all at once, so you will have to do two loads every other day. You could get away with 24 diapers and wash every day. Going off that, I would see what you like and see if you actually need more.
But if you HAVE to pick now, I much prefer my Alvas to be honest. I sold off all my 4.0's and almost never use my Freetimes of my one BGE. My Alvas, however, are almost always in the wash. I find myself reaching for my Alvas and Sunbaby diapers more than any of my other pockets.