It really just doesnt even feel is kind of wierd. As much as I am dying for this pg to be over, I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that I am fixing to have a newborn again and TWO kiddos...wowzers. I have so many emotions going on these days and I am just so anxious to have him in my arms (and to quit having my insides beat up).
Maybe it is because I know the emotions that I will experience this time around whereas before I had DD, I had no idea what to expect? Hmmm...I don't know. Either way, I can't wait!
Re: 1 week from today, I will be a mommy of 2. : )
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
I think it will be the best of both worlds too and I just can't wait to experience a little boy! As much as I thought that I wanted a girl and for DD to have a sister so close in age to her, I think my heart would have ached for a little boy. Just watching how much Olivia ADORES DH makes me feel so good inside and I can't wait to hopefully have that someday with my little guy...she is the definition of a daddy's girl and it is so sweet.
How exciting! The next week will hopefully go fast for you! It was all so bittersweet when DS was born. I don't remember much of it all, thank goodness for home videos that DD and DS insist on watching non-stop! I'm really getting anxious for #3 to arrive, though I'm not real sure what to expect, because DS is such a mama's boy!
Good luck with everything!