
I broke my damn leg on Saturday in 3 spots. :(

I was walking my 80 lb Golden retriever...I had been bumming around for two days no shower, no makeup, white tee, no bra.  So my mom comes over (lives close by) to watch Brandon who was napping.  I throw a baseball cap on and my jacket and head outside.  I am down a little ways from our condo in a grass/muddy grass area and our dog spots another dog.  He pulls me full force and I water ski across the grass on my heels, and I guess I must have hit solid ground or something and my leg just cracked.  I heard the three distinct cracks and I fell to my butt.  The lady walking the other dog was like are you ok and I said I broke my leg.  She was floored...other people who I have never seen before asked if they could help and I told them to run and get my mom.  My mom came out with my poor kid half asleep, in a diaper and shirt, and my dad heard her screaming for him.  The called the squad...and here I sit in a hard splint.  The fing pain was unGodly.  Worse than my c-section pain.  At least if you stay still with a c, the pain is ok.  This was just constant pain for two full days and now I am just really swollen, uncomfy, and sore.

It could have been worse, I could have needed surgery or it just all together could have been worse.  It is just hard because of Brandon and not having control of my house and him.  He has been great though and my family and husband are amazing.

Just sucks!

Brandon was using me still for nursing as a pacifier at nap and night (never thought I would ever do it past one let alone freaking two-but I I didn't think I was producing much if any)  Well, I am so darn engorged-I had to stop because of Percocets, but it was time anyway.  He has been great about that.  But I am sweating and my breasts just fing hurt on top of it all.

Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image

Re: I broke my damn leg on Saturday in 3 spots. :(

  • Oh no.  I hope you heal up fast.  Do you have a walking cast?  Will you at least get one soon.  I hope so.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Holy crap! That's unbelievable. I can't even imagine how much pain you must be in. I hope you heal very quickly!
    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
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  • That sucks!  I hope you have a quick recovery.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Max born July 25


    Big sisters Alex and Layla


  • Oh no.  I have you feel better and it heals soon.
  • Holy shit girl. Merry effin Christmas.

    I am soooo sorry! Damn Marley.

  • how horrible.  I'm so sorry!  At least your son is handling the weaning well.  Can you walk around, or do you need crutches?
  • Awe, I'm so sorry!   You sound like you are in good spirits, considering.


  • Ugh!  I am SORRY!  That is awful!

    Try cabbage leaves in your bra.  That worked for me.

  • Oh, no, what an ordeal to have to go through! My MIL snapped her ankle in two last winter while taking her dog out. She literally could see the bone out of place under the skin. She had to scream for FIL to call 911, they sent the ambulance and the whole bit and she had to have a steel rod put in her ankle. She also said the pain was terrible. But at least she didn't have a two-year-old to take care of too! I hope you have a speedy recovery and the pain lets up for you!
  • Omigosh!  I broke a finger once and that hurt like a b!tch, I can't even imagine breaking my leg in 3 places.  YEOUTCH!!!!   I'm so sorry about that.

    For the weaning, try taking some sudafed and ibuprofen to help.  Sudafed is supposed to dry you up. 

  • That's awful.

    I hope you're feeling more comfortable soon! 

    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
  • Heather!  Are you kidding me!  Oh my gosh.  I don't know if I can, but let me know if I can do anything to help.  ((hugs))

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Thanks girls!  I can't put weight on the bone for three weeks, then I will be in the boot to start putting weight on it for three additional weeks.  So this will be a process. 
    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
  • You poor, poor, poor girl!  I am SO sorry for you.  Just be thankful your parents are close by...I guess?


    Blah.  I am so sorry.  That really effing blows!  And, I am sorry about the nursing, too...I nursed until 19 months, and was still emotional when the time came to stop, so I imagine that it was just added stress for you.


    You're handling MUCH better than I would!  Feel better! 

  • OMG I'm so sorry!
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • Ouch! ?Hope it heals soon!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That totally sucks.  I'm sorry that happened and sorry you have to stop nursing.  I stopped at 14 months, I can imagine it is harder for you now!  Why can we nurse after c/s when we're taking percocet but not later? 
  • Ouch! ?That sounds awful!

    I'm also confused about the Percocet, though. ?They gave it to me in the hospital after my c-section, and I took it occasionally for the next week. ?Why was it ok for me to nurse my newborn around the clock while taking it and not ok for you to occasionally nurse a toddler?



  • Oh no. I hope you heal fast!

  • OMG! I am so sorry. I have two labs- 80 and 65 pounds. Walking them is scary. I hope you heal fast.
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