November 2011 Moms

different brands, different sizes....

So DD is moving into 2T clothes (she FLEW through size 24 months!  3 months!  Ohmigosh!).  I had a box of 2T hand me downs set aside from a long while ago and while I dress DD mostly in Carters, this box had all different brands, but mostly Target (Circo, Cherokee).  Of course the clothes don't have the height/weight ranges, just the size, so I googled and found this link and hope you all find it helpful!  It has a lot of brands and what the height/weight is for each size.  Turns out, DD doesn't really fit in 2T from the Target brands so I should have opened that box sooner  :( ....she needs 3T in Target brands!  (!??!??!!)  (Luckily, I have a 3T box, too.)

Hope this is helpful for anyone who has random hand me downs or buys from resale shops:
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