
A Funny "I want twins!" Moment

I took DS1 out for lunch the other day.  My twins were happily playing in their stroller while we ate. A teenage couple walked past and the girl (15 or 16 years old) starts squealing, "Oh my God!  Twins!  I love twins!  I soooooo want twin babies.  Did you do something to make twins or did they happen by freak accident? I just really want to have twins!" 

I just sat there looking at the girl babbling about wanting twins while her poor boyfriend looked more and more horrified.  I swear I thought the boy was going run out of there.  I couldn't help myself.  I smiled sweetly and said, " I was on the pill when they were conceived," then looked at the boy and said, "Birth control can fail."

From the look on his face, I believe I changed his opinion on premarital sex. 


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