
Fur Baby

Ok I know this is silly when other people have more severe problems BUT.... my doggie is not feeling well. He is having problems getting up from a sitting position and he cannot walk up our stairs. Once he is up and standing he is having problems walking around. He is a cockapoo who is 10 years old. I am taking him to the vet at 2. Say a little prayer for him! Our whole family would be devastated if anything happened to him.

Re: Fur Baby

  • Definitely test for Lyme and consider X-rays to spot arthritis or other issues.

    There's a lot to do to help arthritis pain and injuries. There are a few things that can't be fixed, but managed. Weakness in the hind end is a killer for big dogs, but a cockapoo is lucky there!

    One thing I do is sling a towel under their belly and hold either end to support the dog.

    image image
  • Thinking about you. I hope all is ok. FWIW, my pup had joint pain that turned out to be a tick-bourne illness. Completely treatable. Fingers crossed that's all it is.

    That is great to hear! I hope it is just arthritis or something.
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  • Oh no!  I hope your pup is ok.

    I am a huge dog lover-- our dog is my first baby and the though of her being sick or hurt kills me, so I can relate.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I'll be thinking of him. Poor guy.
  • Just got back from the vet! Your good vibes worked. He is having some discs rub together and his hip is out of place. She said there is nothing they can do at the moment b/c nothing is severe enough for surgery (yay). The vet said that they could do hip surgery if it got worse but that she didn't recommend it b/c of his age. So she gave him some pain meds and sent us on our way. I stopped and got him an ice cream cone at dairy queen and he was as happy as a clam! ... little shit :)
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