Cloth Diapering

Diaper Rite fitted supply question (possibly dumb)

I added the Diaper Rite snapless fitteds from diaperjunction to my universal registry.  I've slowly noticed that their supply is running out.  They have newborn white (I prefer natural, but not a big deal), NO small, mediums white and natural, and large white - that's the only thing left in stock.

So - sorry, if this is a dumb question - but how quick is diaperjunction at refilling their supply?

I guess what I'm asking is, I'd like to order all of my diapers in the next 3-4 weeks so I can make sure I have them and have time to prep them before baby comes.  I'm wondering if I should wait for diaperjunction to restock, or if I should switch to a different brand.  Anyone have a good brand of fitteds (these seemed to be the best reviews for the price - cost is an issue) if you do suggest switching?

Re: Diaper Rite fitted supply question (possibly dumb)

  • Honestly I'm not sure. I've been stalking their bamboo doublers for about a month or two and they're still out of stock. Just in case have you considered GMD's workhorse fitteds? They're actually slightly cheaper as well it looks like although I don't know if GMD charges shipping, I've never ordered from them before.
  • rbtrumpetrbtrumpet member
    edited October 2013
    Thanks!  I had looked at something on GMD, and in my mind wrote them off as too expensive (I don't remember which product I looked at).  But these look really good! :)

    I'll just switch - I'd rather be sure that what I need is in stock :)  I'm starting to feel a little bit of a time crunch  :-S
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  • Yeah and I hear a lot of people love their workhorse fitteds. I always thought they'd be super expensive as well but when I actually looked I was like, oh that's not too bad at all lol. I actually didn't even know DR had fitteds until I saw this lol. :P
  • lol - I just did a google search on fitteds, and the DR seemed to have the best reviews for the lowest price.  I guess GMD just didn't show up in my googling.  (although I fully admit that my google-abilities are not great when it comes to CD - I'm still VERY much a newbie!)
  • I have a few of their Fitteds and I really like them, but I don't have much to compare it to. That bring said, it took forever for them to get their prefolds in. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them. BUT, I'd email them-they're customer service is awesome. Ask them when/if they expect a restocking.
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  • I also like workhorses, although for us they require adding a couple doublers for overnight. Have you looked into Pooters hemp or bamboo fitteds? They are an actual nighttime fitted at a reasonable price. We have quite a few of them and really like them.

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
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  • I also like workhorses, although for us they require adding a couple doublers for overnight. Have you looked into Pooters hemp or bamboo fitteds? They are an actual nighttime fitted at a reasonable price. We have quite a few of them and really like them.
    Thanks for the heads up.  I was looking for fitteds specifically for daycare (figure it'll be easier to convince them to CD if they don't have to worry about prefolds).  I'll keep these in mind if prefolds are not working overnight!
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