He did get released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon with the defibulator vest. He is staying at his parents for a few days. I'm hoping he will stay there through the weekend because weekends are a little stressful sometimes with all the kids home all day. He goes to the cardiologist on Monday and I believe that will be a weekly thing for a while.
I'm bringing Oliver out to see him as soon as I pick him up from preschool today. The only time Ollie has seen him since Sunday is when he was here for a few minutes yesterday getting clothes. So they are definitely missing each other.
On a good note my SIL told me yesterday that she's having a cleaning service come in and deep clean our house on Tuesday. She said she wants to do something to help us out since DH won't be able to do much for a while. I'm super excited and I think it's really awesome of her to do that.
@JackoftheBox@LaurelBee Thanks so much for checking on us!!!
This is awesome of your sister in law. I always feel at ease when my house is in order! I bet your DH and LO will be soo excited to see one another!! Glad to hear things are going well!
@OnederfulMother He was admitted to the ICU Sunday night with congestive heart failure caused by a virus that attacked his heart. He is expected to make a full recovery. May take a few months. His heart is enlarged and the valves aren't working properly. He will have to take it easy until his heart is back to normal.
Yay to your ILs taking care of your H and your Sil paying to deep clean your house! Can we trade ILs? I'm glad he is able to rest and relax. Prayers for a full recovery!
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
Re: Libby1978