Eco-Friendly Family

Eco-Friendly moms, can I get some opinions on cloth diapers? (kinda long intro)

   I usually live at the TTGP board, so I'm sorry if this seems like a drive by. I don't know if I should have written an intro...? However, as I probably won't be here much, it seemed almost pointless. I could have posted this under the cloth diapering board, and I considered it. But what I'm looking for (if there ends up being any) are differences of opinion on the benefits some of you may have found for cloth diapering. I can google this, and look at the research, but as someone TTC, I'd love to hear opinions from moms who may have been there themselves, and get info first-hand.

   As I mentioned, I'm TTC, and a couple other moms on the TTGP board brought up cloth diapering on one of the threads I posted. It got me intrigued. One mom sent me this link (, and it got me even more intrigued. So, basically, if anyone wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear about the main reasons why you decided to start cloth diapering. Was it the money you save? The fact that it is so eco-friendly? Are there other reasons? Or are there reasons that you DON'T like cloth diapering?

   Again, on my board, drive by postings are not well received, cause it's usually whiners looking for sympathy or whatnot. I want to make it clear, I'm not looking for any right/wrong answers, I'm just uneducated on the CD issue, and, along with looking up websites like the one  I listed above, I want more education from moms on here. If you disapprove of me posting this for some reason, I'll shoo, otherwise, every response is appreciated. Thank you!!

Also, if YOU have a website you really like about the issue, feel free to send it my way :) And any other tips you think someone TTC #1 should know that would make for an eco-friendly, happy and healthy future baby!

Re: Eco-Friendly moms, can I get some opinions on cloth diapers? (kinda long intro)

  • This board is pretty quiet so it's doubtful you will find anyone up in arms over your post. Even when it was really active everyone was always very nice and helpful.

    I initially started cloth diapering because I couldn't fathom sending thousands of poop filled sacks of plastic to the landfill. Then the more I researched, the more I found how awful disposable diapers are or could potentially be for my children. Did you know there are several chemicals used in diapers in the US that are banned in other countries for being potentially cancer causing? How about the Dry-max issue that pampers had in the past few years. Many people believed it caused severe chemical burns on their children's diaper areas. Who knows if that actually was the cause but why not try to avoid such a situation? Plus, many cloth diapering moms experience much less diaper rash than their disposable diapered counterparts (the children obviously, not the moms!) I know it was true for us anyway.

    And then who can argue with just how adorably cute a fluffy butt can be?!
  • ArmyQM said:
    This board is pretty quiet so it's doubtful you will find anyone up in arms over your post. Even when it was really active everyone was always very nice and helpful.

    I initially started cloth diapering because I couldn't fathom sending thousands of poop filled sacks of plastic to the landfill. Then the more I researched, the more I found how awful disposable diapers are or could potentially be for my children. Did you know there are several chemicals used in diapers in the US that are banned in other countries for being potentially cancer causing? How about the Dry-max issue that pampers had in the past few years. Many people believed it caused severe chemical burns on their children's diaper areas. Who knows if that actually was the cause but why not try to avoid such a situation? Plus, many cloth diapering moms experience much less diaper rash than their disposable diapered counterparts (the children obviously, not the moms!) I know it was true for us anyway.

    And then who can argue with just how adorably cute a fluffy butt can be?!
    Thank you so much for your response. I know every board has their own etiquette practices, so I thought I'd make the peace as much as possible just in case :)

    Your post was very helpful, I had no clue about the numerous dangerous chemicals. I really am leaning toward the pro-cloth diapering side of things! Thank you so much for your reply! 
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  • I cloth diaper because I didn't want to put that many disposable diapers in the landfill, and I didn't want chemicals near my son.  I love CDing (DS is 7 1/2 weeks now) and honestly don't know how we as a country got away from it.  It's easy and so much better for the environment and our children.  I also like how I can support a lot of American and Canadian businesses.  CDing can be less expensive than disposables but the way I do it it's not.  I like pocket and AIO diapers, not prefolds; I don't buy anything made in China; and I like having a lot of diapers on hand so I don't have to worry about laundry.
  • I do it because it's best for baby. We rarely have had any diaper rashes. I do disposables at night (but they are naty babycare - corn based film and no chlorine). We use prefolds and covers. I also don't buy anything in China. Our covers are USA-made (we have a few Chinese AIO freebies from Kelly's Closet) and the prefolds are made in India.
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  • I was cloth diapered when I was a baby - in the days of yore when they had diaper services because my mom thought disposables were too pedestrian (I'm not kidding, the reasons she cloth diapered are really different than mine).

    1. I hate all the waste created by the packaging and manufacturing.  Sure, there is packaging on my cloth diapers, but only a few times compared to buying pack after pack after pack of disposables.

    2. Landfills, I've worked overseas and seen piles of disposable diapers on beaches.  It's gross.  

    3. Rashes, chemicals.  My MIL rolls her eyes and swears LO would be more comfortable in disposables because he could go longer between diaper changes - what kind of sense does that make?  None, none at all.  

    4. This one is kind of dumb, but I sort of hate the noise that disposable diapers make.  Plus the diaper covers you can get are super cute.

    5. It saves you lots of money.  You'll find that with a baby you'll be changing their diaper and all is going well and then all of a sudden they've gone and peed/pooped all over the fresh diaper.  With a disposable, you'd have to grab a new one and toss the old.  With a cloth, you throw it in the hamper.  This happens to me daily, once I even had to go through 4 diapers in one change.  Also, you don't have to rush out to the store and keep a stockpile on hand, you've already got it.  

    I've gotten my stash entirely from 
    I've also had a hard time buying that somehow the washing process for cloth diapers is "just as bad" to the environment as disposables are. 
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  • Thank you all for your opinions/advice :) Another related question.
    How does everyone feel about second-hand cloth diapers? A friend brought it up to me when I was talking about this with her. She said often, they're barely used and well cleaned.
    However, I kinda lean toward... I don't buy my underwear second-hand, I wouldn't want to buy my babies. However, is it pretty safe to do? Have any of you done it, and what seems to be the general consensus?
  • trudibell said:

    I was cloth diapered when I was a baby - in the days of yore when they had diaper services because my mom thought disposables were too pedestrian (I'm not kidding, the reasons she cloth diapered are really different than mine).

    1. I hate all the waste created by the packaging and manufacturing.  Sure, there is packaging on my cloth diapers, but only a few times compared to buying pack after pack after pack of disposables.

    2. Landfills, I've worked overseas and seen piles of disposable diapers on beaches.  It's gross.  

    3. Rashes, chemicals.  My MIL rolls her eyes and swears LO would be more comfortable in disposables because he could go longer between diaper changes - what kind of sense does that make?  None, none at all.  

    4. This one is kind of dumb, but I sort of hate the noise that disposable diapers make.  Plus the diaper covers you can get are super cute.

    5. It saves you lots of money.  You'll find that with a baby you'll be changing their diaper and all is going well and then all of a sudden they've gone and peed/pooped all over the fresh diaper.  With a disposable, you'd have to grab a new one and toss the old.  With a cloth, you throw it in the hamper.  This happens to me daily, once I even had to go through 4 diapers in one change.  Also, you don't have to rush out to the store and keep a stockpile on hand, you've already got it.  

    I've gotten my stash entirely from 
    I've also had a hard time buying that somehow the washing process for cloth diapers is "just as bad" to the environment as disposables are. 
    I researched the environmental benefits a lot. More water is used up in the factories and processing of disposables than in the washing process for cloth diapers.

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  • Ironically, this is my first time visiting this board, let alone posting.  (I was unaware that lurkers aren't well received on some boards.  I'm generally quiet in real life, so quiet on boards.  Guess I'll have to make more of an effort.)

    Anyway, I love cloth diapering.  I started it because my heart is green, and I really look for ways to live as lightly on the planet as possible.  I continue doing it for several reasons.  One, it's easy.  Non-cloth diaper-ers often bring up the gross factor, but as a parent you are going to clean up some grossness, and you are going to touch poo.  It totally doesn't bother me, and it is no harder than changing a sposie.  Two, we save money.  Although I could really spend a LOT of money on different diapers, different prints, etc, I've managed to rein myself in and keep it under control.  I can be inexpensive.  Three, I knit and I live in the south.  I can't wrap my little one in a wool sweater, but I can knit a wool diaper cover.  Four, (and this one was just fortuitous) my son has sensitive skin and his bottom really appreciates the cotton rather than the chemicals.

    I use mainly prefolds and fitteds.  All my diapers are originally from Green Mountain Diapers.  I say originally because I have bought used.  I truly have no problem with this.  For used diapers, I give one wash and then use.  (Cotton has to be prepped, so new diapers need to be washed about 6-10 times before they reach good absorbency.  GMD offers organic cotton prefolds and fitteds, which I buy, and often has to be washed at least 8 times, sometimes more.)

    For covers, I started out with mainly wool.  I've since added some PUL covers (which I was very hesitant about doing, due to the non-biodegradability of it, but have since come to terms with--it still keeps LOADS of diapers out of a landfill, I plan to use it for multiple children, and I don't go overboard).  

    Sorry this is so long.  I didn't realize I had so much to say. :)
  • We are TTC and I started researching cloth diapers. I talked to Joanna who owns sloomb. She was super helpful. If you google sloomb and put in an inquiry she will email back. She sent me a ton of links which were great. Kelly's closet was helpful. But just talking to someone was great too. I found a couple stores that sell cloth diapers in my area so once we are KU I will go there and explore. I am sold so far on the price and safety and Eco friendlyness of cloth diapers.
    Married July 27, 2013
    TTC 10/2013

    We have 2 dogs and spend as much time outside as possible. 

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  • I'm torn- my sister cloth diapered and fell off the wagon with her second. For her it was too challenging to keep up with.
    DH said if I choose to CD, he will buy a used washer and install it in basement or asks to use a diaper service. He asked that I not use the washer in the house. (Cost looking more like same as disposable)
    I have looked into Earths Best and Bamboo Nature as possible alternatives.
    I'm planning on using all organic clothing and beds and it seems way more expensive to find natural CD covers. I could buy fabric and sew my own but really don't see that happening.
    Thanks for any thoughts you may have.
  • I am pg with my 4th. My youngest is 8 so I haven't used cd in awhile and things have changed (mainly it's more popular and more choices available now.). I'm slightly overwhelmed. With my oldest I used old fashioned pins and covers. Next baby I used a mix of cloth and 7th generation disposables, then last one I used aio's and g diapers. I am researching for this babe and wondered if anyone has ideas. My kids are all allergic to plastics and I think using cd made them potty train so much earlier
  • You can sanitize used diapers very easy. I highly recommend them, especially when getting started. Just like with regular clothes different brands will work better with differently shaped babies. Before you make a large investment, you wantbto try several different brands. As for not washing them at home, it's not as bad as your DH may think. Generally you will first dump solids in the toilet. And if you are really concerned, they do sell disposable liners you can use inside your cloth diapers
  • I have been contemplating cloth diapering mainly for the benefits for the baby, but my husband is completely against it. I know nothing but have tried doing some research. Do you buy an outside piece and an inside piece? If there are two pieces do you have to wash them both after one changing? How do the disposable inserts work?
  • I tell all new moms who are considering CDing, it does not have to be all or nothing. We used (eco-friendly) disposables if we were going to be out all day, vacations, and at night. We also used flushable liners once DD started solids. Very easy to shake solids into the toilet.

    With the exception of two prefold covers, my entire stash is used. As a PPer said, CDs are easy to sanitize. If they were anything less than perfectly clean, you'd find out pretty quickly as baby skin is very sensitive.

    There are so many different kinds of CDs now, and just like with disposables it's best to try a variety to figure out what you like best. We liked FuzziBunz pockets. Pockets dry faster than AIOs, and if you stuff the inserts ahead of time it's just as easy as a disposable. They're not very bulky either.
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  • I looooove cloth diapering! I did so much research before LO was born. I'm so glad I did.

    Main reasons:
    Way more cost-effective! So much cheaper, by thousands of dollars, especially if u have multiple kids and resell them (the diapers not the kids) when you're done. :)
    Not adding to landfills
    More breathable and natural materials on baby's bum
    No nasty chemicals
    Less (to no) diaper rashes
    Less leaks and blowouts
    Said to help potty train kids quicker
    Super cute prints!! Danger: it can get addictive.

    I made this video to help explain cloth diapering to my friends who are interested. I think you may find it useful!
  • This video was super helpful. Thanks so much!
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