March 2013 Moms

First Solid Foods?

LO has been doing purées and oatmeal incredibly well since his 4 month dr visit. We've tried lots of foods and so far this kid just loves to eat. I've been trying to research what solids to try and I figure asking other moms is probably easier.

LO grabs at everything I try to eat or drink! What have you tried giving your LOs outside of purées? What food? How was it prepared if at all? What size pieces did you give?


Re: First Solid Foods?

  • We did a sweet potato. We sliced it into sticks, placed it in a bag with a little olive oil and cinnamon and baked for 30 minutes. LO did not do so well with it. He ate the pieces ok but then couldn't swallow, so he kept gagging and eventually ended up throwing up :( the pieces weren't big either he just didn't understand the concept of swallowing solids.
  • We are doing BLW, so skipped purees all together.  DD's first food was avocado, followed by banana, steamed broccoli, apple, cheese, scrambled egg, sweet potato fries...I'm sure I'm forgetting some.    Basically at this age she is ok to eat whatever we eat, just as long as we aren't giving her a ton of processed food, and watch the salt and sugar.  

    As PP said you want to cut into a shape that they can hold on to - think french fry shape.  They should be able to hold it and still have some sticking out of their hand to gnaw on.

    As for the gagging, that is totally normal, it takes a while for them to figure out how to chew and swallow.  DD still gags while she eats, but she is figuring out how to swallow more and more each day. Their gag reflex is pretty far up right now, and it takes time for it to move back.  
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  • Thanks everyone! I had let him chew on a cooked lasagna noodle a while ago, he didn't really make any progress in eating it, it was mostly just to play with. I cooked some green beans for him to eat/play with, plus I still have some purées. Seriously, this kid just loves food!
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