August 2012 Moms

Cleaning toys

How do you clean LO's toys? I use a vinegar/water mixture and just spray everything down. I've read that you can use a bleach/water mixture, but haven't tried it.

Re: Cleaning toys

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    I wash hard plastic in the sink with soap and water. Soft toys go in the washing machine. Stuff with batteries gets wiped.....or just stays dirty. Ha.
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    I use a 1 T bleach to a gallon solution in a spray bottle. Some go into the dishwasher or the washing machine too. 
    Then and now. How did my boy get so big? 

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    I am gross, I rarely clean toys.  I will wipe down with a wet cloth if something gets food or spit-up or something on it (but again, its rare).  I do use Clorox wipes on ones that have been outside and are coming in or are hand-me-downs/CL finds. 

    I am lazy...but my kids have survived so far!
    ditto. i'll clean something if it gets obviously dirty-- something cloth i'll throw it in the washing machine, or a hard toy i'll wipe down.
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    I am gross, I rarely clean toys.  I will wipe down with a wet cloth if something gets food or spit-up or something on it (but again, its rare).  I do use Clorox wipes on ones that have been outside and are coming in or are hand-me-downs/CL finds. 

    I am lazy...but my kids have survived so far!

    ditto. i'll clean something if it gets obviously dirty-- something cloth i'll throw it in the washing machine, or a hard toy i'll wipe down.


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    We don't clean toys either... :\"> I do sanitize the bath toys regularly but that's about it.

    It builds immunity...right??
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    Lol I don't clean toys very often either. Only if he is really sick. But he gets colds so often that I just don't have the time to keep up with it. But if we are going on a playdate or someone is coming over, I'll try to wipe at least some of the stuff that's been in his mouth off. But that doesn't always happen either.

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