She's been gone with DH since yesterday morning, and just told me loved me "a whoooole lot" on the phone. They're coming home tomorrow, and while I can't deny the alone time has been nice I can't wait to see them!!
This was taken the day after Christmas in the morning. She was super snuggly for some reason.?
Re: PIP: I miss my baby
What a cute pic!
I'm sorry you miss her but I'm sure (er, I hope) you got a ton of stuff done
Aw she is so beautiful. How cute that she loves her momma so much?
It's crazy how much you miss them. I nearly cried when G came runing to me when we came home from the hospital after 3 days
So sweet! I've had a few mini-vacations from Benna, and I can't even describe how much more I love and appreciate his presence in my house when he gets home!
Breaks are good. Homecomings are better! Enjoy your last night to sleep diagonally in your bed.