Cloth Diapering

CD Fail - funny

Just have to share this story with people who will appreciate it.

My mom watches DS at our house while we're at work. She and my dad used CDs with us and she was thrilled that I wanted to use them. My dad has not changed one of DS's diapers, which was fine until yesterday - Mom had an appointment and Dad needed to watch DS. When I got home yesterday Mom said that Dad had changed two diapers, and one of them was dirty. I was sort of impressed that Dad managed it but figured it must be like riding a bicycle - even after 30 years he probably hadn't forgotten. When I put DS to bed last night I noticed a roll of paper towels in the closet, which was strange, but I didn't think too much of it.

Well today Mom washed DS's diapers, and when I got home from work she told me the rest of the story. When Dad changed the dirty diaper, he could not find baby wipes. (Which we don't use. We use washcloths, but I'm guessing no one clued him in to that.) So he must have grabbed a roll of paper towels to clean DS up. And then he threw the dirty paper towel in the diaper pail. So when Mom pulled the diapers out of the washer they were all covered in the shredded remains of a wet paper towel. And she was quite grumpy about it.

Way to go, Dad.

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